Auto-Create Container Directories Based on Config File?

I’ve been working with container configurations and have a suggestion/question about improving the workflow when saving and restoring configs.

Currently, when dealing with container setups, it seems necessary to manually create container directories (e.g., mkdir -p /config/containers/nprobe/) before the configuration can be applied successfully. This step can become cumbersome, especially when restoring configurations or deploying setups across multiple systems.

set container name nprobe allow-host-networks
set container name nprobe arguments '-i nf:25 --ips-mode /data/nprobe/ips-config/ips-rules.conf -n none -b 1'
set container name nprobe cap-add 'net-admin'
set container name nprobe cap-add 'sys-admin'
set container name nprobe image 'ntop/nprobe:latest'
set container name nprobe volume IPS_CONF destination '/data/nprobe'
set container name nprobe volume IPS_CONF source '/config/containers/nprobe/'

Would it be possible to introduce functionality in VyOS that automatically creates the required directories based on the container paths specified in the config file if they don’t already exist? Or is this possible already?

This enhancement would make it much more seamless to save and restore config files that include container information, without needing additional manual setup steps.

The path could be not only directory but and a preconfigured file. Part of containers will not start if config file is empty.
Danger feature.