[Beta] show vpn ipsec status broken in beta

Version: VyOS 999.201706062137
Built by: autobuild@vyos.net
Built on: Tue 06 Jun 2017 21:37 UTC
Build ID: 06e22192-ecfe-49d0-82a9-83b17e6af6ca

show vpn ipsec status does show any active IPsec tunnels despite there being several active tunnels:

[code]$ show vpn ipsec status
IPSec Process Running PID: 11537

0 Active IPsec Tunnels

IPsec Interfaces :
eth0 (A.B.C.D)[/code]

show vpn ipsec sa shows two established tunnels (which work fine).

show vpn ipsec status with an identical configuration shows 2 tunnels on 1.1.7.

Thanks for findings, i think this one good for task in phabricator
can you spend few mins and submit it