DHCP leases not showing

Hello all,

I’m setting a network for IPMI access using VyOS for VPN and DHCP.

DHCP leases are working and the equipment is getting the right IP, but when i issue the “sh dhcp server leases” command i get an empty list.

I’m using only static mapping for DHCP, is this the normal behavior?

Maybe this can help:

cjsantos@vyos:~$ sh ver
Version: VyOS 1.0.4
Description: VyOS 1.0.4 (hydrogen)
Copyright: 2014 SO3 Group
Built by: maintainers@vyos.net
Built on: Mon Jun 16 15:58:49 UTC 2014
Build ID: 1406161558-32e5690
System type: x86 64-bit
Boot via: image

Carlos Santos


Yes, clients using static mappings do not show up on the leases list.
