Home vyos configuration review & feedback

Version 3 of my config!

Selective routing is done, IPv6 firewall and tunnel is pending.

For selective routing, I use route policy and a black hole route to make sure it’s either WAN1(or WAN2) or nothing!

All the local traffic, Traffic touched by DNAT rules or route policies has to excluded in load-balancing system.

In Load balancing rules, I can not specify groups so I have to add a rule like this :confused:

        rule 6 {
            description "Exclude WAN4 traffic"
            destination {
                address ""
            inbound-interface "br0+"
            source {
                address ""

WAN4 only clients are not in a single chunk and luckily there are a small number of such clients so I can add a few rules like this and move on.
conf.txt (51.8 KB)