Http api segfault with concurrent requests

I’m experimenting with Vyos before swapping over from a Unifi USG and in doing so I am wanting to use terraform to codify changes. By default terraform will perform several things in parallel and as I have been adding more code blocks in the terraform provider, i’ve started to notice frequently I am getting 502 Bad Gateway responses from the http api. To try to reproduce this outside of terraform I am using a node program called “autocannon” to allow making concurrent requests.

When running a single connection it all seems to be fine:

$ npx autocannon --duration 10 --connections 1 --renderStatusCodes --method POST --form '{"data": {"type":"text", "value": "{\"op\": \"showConfig\", \"path\": []}"}, "key": {"type":"text","value":"my-secret-key"}}' 'https://vyos:8443/retrieve'
Running 10s test @ https://vyos:8443/retrieve
1 connections

│ Stat    │ 2.5%   │ 50%    │ 97.5%  │ 99%    │ Avg       │ Stdev    │ Max    │
│ Latency │ 545 ms │ 564 ms │ 603 ms │ 603 ms │ 563.48 ms │ 12.98 ms │ 603 ms │
│ Stat      │ 1%   │ 2.5% │ 50%   │ 97.5% │ Avg     │ Stdev   │ Min  │
│ Req/Sec   │ 1    │ 1    │ 2     │ 2     │ 1.7     │ 0.46    │ 1    │
│ Bytes/Sec │ 8 kB │ 8 kB │ 16 kB │ 16 kB │ 13.6 kB │ 3.67 kB │ 8 kB │
│ Code │ Count │
│ 200  │ 17    │

Req/Bytes counts sampled once per second.
# of samples: 10

18 requests in 10.03s, 136 kB read

Bumping that up to just 2 concurrent connections I start getting errors.

$ npx autocannon --duration 10 --connections 2 --renderStatusCodes --method POST --form '{"data": {"type":"text", "value": "{\"op\": \"showConfig\", \"path\": []}"}, "key": {"type":"text","value":"my-secret-key"}}' 'https://vyos:8443/retrieve'
Running 10s test @ https://vyos:8443/retrieve
2 connections

│ Stat    │ 2.5% │ 50%   │ 97.5% │ 99%    │ Avg      │ Stdev    │ Max    │
│ Latency │ 4 ms │ 47 ms │ 98 ms │ 104 ms │ 48.08 ms │ 27.71 ms │ 216 ms │
│ Stat      │ 1%     │ 2.5%   │ 50%    │ 97.5%  │ Avg    │ Stdev   │ Min    │
│ Req/Sec   │ 333    │ 333    │ 572    │ 638    │ 557.6  │ 79.96   │ 333    │
│ Bytes/Sec │ 109 kB │ 109 kB │ 180 kB │ 200 kB │ 176 kB │ 23.7 kB │ 109 kB │
│ Code │ Count │
│ 200  │ 2     │
│ 502  │ 5574  │

Req/Bytes counts sampled once per second.
# of samples: 10

2 2xx responses, 5574 non 2xx responses
6k requests in 10.02s, 1.76 MB read

Sometimes I’ll get a handful of successful ones and other times I’ll get all failures when using this tool.

In the monitor log I also see the http api is crashing/segfaulting:

Feb 12 22:40:15 kernel: vyos-http-api-s[3490]: segfault at f1f47738 ip 00007fccf226dde3 sp 00007fccf1c89d60 error 6 in[7fccf21aa000+10f000] likely on CPU 3 (core 3, socket 0)
Feb 12 22:40:15 kernel: Code: 8b 5f 18 48 c7 03 03 00 00 00 48 8b 5f 10 48 83 fb 01 74 4f 49 83 ef 38 4d 3b 7e 08 0f 82 8c 0e 00 00 49 8d 5f 08 48 83 c3 28 <48> c7 43 f8 0b 04 00 00 48 89 03 48 8d 7b e8 48 c7 47 f8 17 08 00
Feb 12 22:40:15 systemd[1]: vyos-http-api.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=11/SEGV

Previously I was running an image from June last year when I initially was starting to test out Vyos before getting too busy. I tried upgrading to the latest version and still getting the errors.

   1: 1.4-rolling-202302130317 (default boot) (running image)
   2: 1.4-rolling-202206250934

Hardware wise, I’m running on an inexpensive Intel N5105 from AliExpress running 16GB RAM, which should be more than sufficient for this, so I doubt it’s a hardware/resources issue.

First of all, welcome to the Vyos forums.

Second of all, thank you so much for formatting your post so well, it makes it so much clearer and easier to understand.

Thirdly, I have no idea what the problem you’re encountering here is. Luckily for both of us though, I’m not a Developer. I’m sure the Vyos developers will have a much better idea - I suggest you might get more traction if you log an issue on the Vyos Phabricator platform.

All The Best!

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Will do! Thank you for the quick response pointing me in the right direction :smile: