Issue With DHCP Configuration in vyos 1.1.8

I am trying to configure DHCP server in vyos 1.1.8 sing beow command:

vyos@vyos# set service dhcp-server shared-network-name ESX-VTEP subnet default-router
vyos@vyos# set service dhcp-server shared-network-name ESX-VTEP subnet start stop
vyos@vyos# set service dhcp-server shared-network-name ESX-VTEP subnet lease 86400

When I do a commit and save, I am getting below error

vyos@vyos# commit
[ service dhcp-server ]
DHCP server error: None of the DHCP lease subnets are inside any of the subnets
configured on broadcast interfaces. At least one DHCP lease subnet must be set
such that DHCP server listens on a minimum of one broadcast interface
DHCP server configuration commit aborted due to error(s).

[[service dhcp-server]] failed
Commit failed

Any suggestions on how to fix this.

do you have an interface configured with an IP address in

If so which kind of interface?

Hmm, as well as what @Jeff pointed out, memory is hazy if this is a new config and you havent commited after creating the interfaces?
If you havent and are trying to create the DHCP server on interfaces that are not yet commited (so dont exit) it may not work.
I havent tested this before I commented, but recall some limitations when I originally set up a while ago. Worth a test if you are in the boat above anyways…