Limit bandwith for indivindual ip's on 1.2.5?

Yes, it seems you are not matching the criteria of the class and you are getting into default .

Why does your configuration show a second empty source for matching class 10?
I’m not sure if that has anything to do…

Humm, that was a cut’n paste error. A good old Pebkac :slight_smile:

In the diagram, I also see the addresses of your two clients are in the same subnet. I guess that’s just in the diagram, but telling you just in case something is mixed in your tests too.

A documentation error, There are only two times I feel stress :slight_smile:
It should be:

Can’t I match on ‘ip source address’ on an out rule on outbound interface?
Or is there a better way to get that match?

Regards Falk

Sure, you can. That’s probably the most common case.

What problem are you facing?

I can’t get the host with ip to match the below config.

traffic-policy {
     shaper EGRESS-LAB {
         bandwidth 1gbit # Default bandwidth on the uplink
         class 10 {
             bandwidth 5mbit 
             burst 15kb
             ceiling 2%  # should have 2% of 1gbit with the match below?
             match CL10 {
                 ip {
                     source {
                         address # Should not match this rule?
             queue-type fq-codel
         default { # this is the rule I seem to match when trying from, instead of the CL10 match?
             bandwidth 50mbit 
             burst 15kb
             ceiling 10%
             queue-type fq-codel

I’m really sorry that I’m sorta slow :slight_smile:

MvH Falk

Hi @falkowich

The configuration looks ok. Please show how you apply the policy to the interface.

Hi, I apply it as the example below.

 interfaces {
     ethernet eth0 {
         address dhcp
         description OUTSIDE
         duplex auto
         hw-id 52:54:00:ed:ee:f1
         smp-affinity auto
         speed auto
         traffic-policy {
             out EGRESS-LAB
     ethernet eth1 {
         description INSIDE
         duplex auto
         hw-id 52:54:00:cc:06:f7
         smp-affinity auto
         speed auto
     loopback lo {

Are you doing Source NAT?


nat {
    source {
        rule 100 {
            outbound-interface eth0
            source {
            translation {
                address masquerade

Regards Falk

If there is SNAT, when traffic-policy is executed it will not see the original addresses any more. The solution is to mark packets so that traffic-policy recognizes them.

Have a look here.


Now I can match the traffic on both in and out.
But it seems that the ceiling throttle isn’t per user / per ip.

Perhaps that’s not doable?

Regards Falk
[EDITED beq pebkac]

@falkowich As far as I know, that cannot be completely correct. Your outbound traffic-policy can perfectly work when applied to a SNAT outbound interface using fwmark, but an inbound traffic-policy won’t be able to match addresses when using SNAT. Well, it is possible to make it happen, but I don’t think it is possible through VyOS CLI, at least for the time being (we have an open Phabricator task for it).

Currently, with VyOS CLI, if you are applying an ingress shaping policy to a SNATed interface, you won’t be able to match addresses of your inbound traffic, everything will be falling into default. If you just want to shape without classifying (all traffic going to default), everything will be good.

You can subscribe to the Phabricator task to get updated when there are any news.

In the meantime, you may want to consider applying a Shaper outbound policy to your INSIDE interface as a workaround, or configuring everything through the non-VyOS commands as in the provided link.

Regarding your question on ceiling: it is applied per class (being default a class too).

My last question, and a huge thanks for taking your time to help me out here :slight_smile:

Using a “per” ip / “per host” bandwidth limiting isn’t doable with this type of config?

Regards Falk

You are welcome. No problem, you can ask as many questions as you want! Answers are not guaranteed, but there is always a chance that someone could answer.

A common use of per-IP-shaping is the one done by PPPoE Server, but it could also be done without PPPoE, just by manually configuring a /32 address match per class in a normal traffic-policy.

But I’m not sure if I understood what you meant by “this type of config”? Did I answer your question? Otherwise, please elaborate.