Hi, I’m testing vyos in openstack. I able to run vyos1.2.6 (qcow2) but only can see single eth0 interface, I try to set eth1 it will prompt not exists. So I tried create my own qcow2 vyos based on vyos1.1.8 iso. I create new VM and installed vyos with 5 interfaces and the vm run as vyos and confirmed those 5 interfaces available. Than I convert created vyos vmdk to qcow2 file and deployed over openstack. When I access vyos …its just show me eth3 (only single interface) no other interfaces available. Anyone face the same problem and how to resolve this. I could not test with single interface, please…hope someone could advise me. Thank you
If anyone have vyos with multiple ethernet interfaces in qcow2 format , appreciate if you can share copy with me thus I can try to deploy over my openstack.