Not able to ping from my vyos server, no resolv. to be able install vnstat

Hello guys,

I got a problem and i dont understand it, i had installed vyos on an server and i`m not able to ping any ips or domain. i whant to be able to add repos and install vnstat or grafana on it

i made bgp on eth0 and eth1 , on eth3 i setup on eth2 i setup , i`m able to ssh on the server is working but it even take like 30-60 secands to pup the pass to enter it, the bgp works, on the eth3 i added cisco 4948 and is all workig fine is ust the think with me req/problem not working

i setup nameserver domain, seach and i think sompting is missing and i dont understand whant.

Thank you

Do you use real addresses or these
If you have the opportunity to get to the server via ssh, then at least you should ping it.
Can you ping your neighbors?

  1. Problem with firewall.
  2. Problem with incorrect ip addressing
  3. Incorrect default gateway.

Check this params firts.


I`m able to ping my ips from any network but outside from the vyos server not, i dont have any firewall rules only all-ping enable

“Incorrect default gateway” where can i set this ? do you mean gateway from the vyos server ?

Yes. If you are using a static IP on the “WAN” side, you need to set a static route for to your actual gateway