Packets not routed via IPSec tunnels

I’m running Brocade vRouter 5600 which is based upon Vyatta.

I’ve got 2 gateways running in high availability, and they’ve run in a couple of years working fine.

I’m trying to setup a VPN/IPSec on one of my gateways, and have packets routed via the 4 tunnels created.

This is my configurations commands:

set security vpn ipsec esp-group MY-ESP compression 'disable'
set security vpn ipsec esp-group MY-ESP lifetime '3600'
set security vpn ipsec esp-group MY-ESP mode 'tunnel'
set security vpn ipsec esp-group MY-ESP pfs 'dh-group5'
set security vpn ipsec esp-group MY-ESP proposal 1 encryption 'aes256'
set security vpn ipsec esp-group MY-ESP proposal 1 hash 'sha1'

set security vpn ipsec ike-group MY-IKEV1 dead-peer-detection action 'restart'
set security vpn ipsec ike-group MY-IKEV1 dead-peer-detection interval '20'
set security vpn ipsec ike-group MY-IKEV1 dead-peer-detection timeout '90'
set security vpn ipsec ike-group MY-IKEV1 ike-version '1'
set security vpn ipsec ike-group MY-IKEV1 lifetime '86400'
set security vpn ipsec ike-group MY-IKEV1 proposal 1 dh-group '5'
set security vpn ipsec ike-group MY-IKEV1 proposal 1 encryption 'aes256'
set security vpn ipsec ike-group MY-IKEV1 proposal 1 hash 'sha1'

set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer authentication mode 'pre-shared-secret'
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer authentication pre-shared-secret 'PSK'
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer connection-type 'initiate'
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer default-esp-group 'MY-ESP'
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer description 'MY VPN GW1'
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer ike-group 'MY-IKEV1'
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer local-address ''    
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer tunnel 0 local prefix ''
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer tunnel 0 remote prefix ''
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer tunnel 1 local prefix ''
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer tunnel 1 remote prefix ''
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer tunnel 2 local prefix ''
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer tunnel 2 remote prefix ''
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer tunnel 3 local prefix ''
set security vpn ipsec site-to-site peer tunnel 3 remote prefix ''

This result in the following with show vpn ipsec sa peer

Peer ID / IP                            Local ID / IP
 ------------                            -------------                  

Description: MY VPN GW1

Tunnel  Id          State  Bytes Out/In   Encrypt       Hash      DH A-Time  L-Time
------  ----------  -----  -------------  ------------  --------  -- ------  ------
0       7           up     0.0/0.0        aes256        sha1      5  93      3600
1       8           up     0.0/0.0        aes256        sha1      5  93      3600
2       9           up     0.0/0.0        aes256        sha1      5  93      3600
3       10          up     0.0/0.0        aes256        sha1      5  93      3600

But when I ex. try to ping the “Bytes Out/In” doesn’t change, and my remote peer cannot see any packets entering their gateway.

How can I make sure packets for the remote IP adresses are routed via my VPN/IPSec tunnels?

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I had hoped the configuration commands would be similar between VyOS and Vyatta?

Are the pings being sourced from the local prefix subnet? If not, they will not be interesting traffic to the ipsec policy and not encrypted.