Question regarding the "stability" of VyOS 1.2 rolling release? (Or alternative "home-user" access subscriptions)

Hello all!

I currently use VyOS 1.1.8 as my home router, and I was thinking about upgrading it to 1.2 rolling release.

However I’m trying to asses how “stable” the 1.2 rolling release actually is. According to:

, I understand that its “stability” is not “guaranteed”, but it is implied that it is fairly “stable”, except say a few rough edges and usual bugs.

On the other hand looking at: VyOS Community
, I see that there is a “release” (perhaps a “build”?) almost every day.

Now, I don’t mind being a “test subject” for a pre-release build (especially for an open-source project), however I wouldn’t want to step over rough edges every other day. (For me these daily releases seem more “nightly” releases.)

Therefore my two questions are:

  • how stable are the rolling release snapshots? (i.e. should I expect that in more than 10% of the upgrades I will hit a bug?)
  • are there some snapshots between these “nightly” (rolling) versions and the LTS ones?

To put things from another perspective: I understand that VyOS is an open-source based project that requires some form of financial sustainability, hence the “subscriptions”. I also understand that VyOS is used by many enterprises that can afford to pay $500 yearly to get access to an LTS release.

However (based on what I’ve seen in the forum), I guess that VyOS is also used by a lot of people as their “home” or “lab” router, therefore not directly contributing to their revenue. Unfortunately the users in this category are faced with three (almost extreme) options:

  • buy a quite expensive license (although they need only one VyOS instance);
  • use an older LTS release like 1.1.8 (as most likely it already covers 90% of their needs, and security isn’t a concern);
  • hassle with (what I assume are) “nightly” builds from the rolling release; (which, again I assume, will cost them a lot in terms of headaches;)

Therefore I think a forth option would be useful for this user category: buy a “home user” / “small office” license, which would offer for example a limited number of VyOS instances (perhaps only one?), with updates for say a year, perhaps one “release” older than the “professional” license.

I am also aware that enforcing such a “home” license is quite hard, as it will be mostly based on trust. However I feel there is a large “gap” in VyOS offering at this moment, underserving perhaps its most loyal community members: the “home” users and “small businesses”.

I hope I didn’t offend anyone, I once more want to stress the fact that I understand that VyOS is an open-source project, based on volunteer work. Thank you all that have contributed to it (or all the other open-source projects that it is based on)!


the subscription is for the support, you can build the iso also for crux yourselves, all sources are accessible via git.
stable depends on your definition, usually new features are being implemented in the rolling releases, these are automatically built (iso) and stored at (you can build it yourself too, source are all in github).
1.2 aka Crux, usually only receives bugfixes, but sometimes features are being back ported, both have been in the rolling releases tested for a bit. If a feature stops working after you updated, you can always roll back relatively easy since the OS is an image and loads the config at runtime.


I am aware that one can build VyOS from sources, and I’ve seen that the procedure seems to be thoroughly documented.

However, not everyone has the skill and patience to wrestle with build process, which I’m certain will take at least a couple of hours…

My “home” license referred mainly to getting access to an official “stable” build.

By “stable” I guess I mean the “Crux” branch.

This really isn’t a good option for 99% of the home users.

Apparently there is a thread dedicated exactly to this topic, which clearly describes the struggle one faces when building his own ISO:

And in fact the last reply, clearly states that getting the exact same build as the official ISO, actually you’ll have to build it at exactly the same time (or roughly so), before some of the actual dependent packages or build scripts are changed, after which it will yield a somewhat different build:

This is why I stress once more the need for an alternative license for home users…

In fact I’m starting to ponder if I wouldn’t be better off with reverting to a plain Linux distribution based router, especially given how few features I actually need…

Especially given how poorly some of the VyOS features integrate one-with-another, and I’m forced to resort to hacking the resulting deploy image (like for example I had to write a script to change iptables rules to actually get WAN load-balancing to work, and recently to override the way L2TP configuration files are generated)…