RESOLVED - VXLAN works on VirtualBox but not on KVM

Still not working on production network.

Production KVM network is now at exact same versions as test network:

CentOS 7.6 (KVM HOST)
VyOS 1.2.0-rc10 (KVM Guest routers for r2 and r3)

The only difference I can think of at the moment is that on my test KVM network I’ve got virtual networks set up between the routers and not physical networks.

Test: r1 <— Virtual Network —> r2 <— OpenVPN over Virtual Network —> r3 <— Virtual Network —> r4

Production: r1 <— physical VLAN —> r2 (KVM Guest) <— OpenVPN over physical (internet) network —> r3 (KVM Guest) <— physical VLAN —> r4

I actually am seeing broadcasts from r1 to r4 but not pings. I wonder what would hold off pings from working?

Please help.

Thanks in advance.