Simplifying WireGuard Client Config Generation

The generate wireguard client-config command is useful for quickly generating road warrior configurations.
I would be nice though to have some additional options but also to have some defaults saved.
For example the server address is unlikely to ever change.

What do you guys think about being able to set client-config defaults for an interface, and add some additional options such as DNS, PersistentKeepAlive, and the AllowedIPs if you don’t want to use the default route-all.

set interfaces wireguard wg0 client-config-defaults dns ''
set interfaces wireguard wg0 client-config-defaults keepalive '60'
set interfaces wireguard wg0 client-config-defaults server ''
set interfaces wireguard wg0 client-config-defaults allowed-ips ''
set interfaces wireguard wg0 client-config-defaults allowed-ips ''

And then when running generate wireguard client-config name interface wg0 address it will automatically use the client-config-defaults for the generated config.

I’d recommend adding this feature request on

It does seem like a good idea to me.