Static IP via Radius attribute on IPoE server

Hi I am trying to assign a static IP to an end user.

Looking at the logs, it looks like VyOS recieves the attribute for static ip and netmask but doesnt actually give the end user the assigned IP.

Aug 18 13:30:14 vyos accel-pppd[1639675]: ipoe108:: recv [RADIUS(1) Access-Accept id=1 <Framed-IP-Address x.x.182.253> <Framed-IP-Netmask> <Filter-Id "1024000/1024000">]
Aug 18 13:30:14 vyos accel-pppd[1639675]: ipoe108:cc:19:a8:05:7a:8f: cc:19:a8:05:7a:8f: authentication succeeded
Aug 18 13:30:14 vyos accel-pppd[1639675]: ipoe108:cc:19:a8:05:7a:8f: send [DHCPv4 Offer xid=c4138c78 yiaddr=x.x.182.60 chaddr=cc:19:a8:05:7a:8f <Message-Type Offer> <Server-ID x.x.182.1> <Lease-Time 600> <T1 300> <T2 525> <Router x.x.182.1> <Subnet> <DNS,>]

Hello @vladvcbb , I think this feature still is not implemented for the IPoE service in VyOS. But in general, it is possible to implement and these changes require IPoE service redesign. I propose to create a feature request on phabricator
Need to modify generated config /run/accel-pppd/ipoe.conf exactly add gw-ip-address to [ipoe] section:


and restart or reload service

sudo accel-cmd reload -p 2002

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