Static route on policy based routing

Hello there,

i have two vpn connections and i want to use policy based routing.
I’ve encountered problem with static route.

When i configure table like this :

static {
table 10 {
route {
next-hop { <- ovpn server

everything works alright.

But i would like to configure interface-route ( direct packets on interface not next-hop ip) like this:

static {
table 10 {
interface-route {
next-hop-interface vtun0 {

in case if i don’t know internal ip of ovpn server.
I get an error “Must add either a next-hop or blackhole for route

In my setup i have 2 ovpn links and i want to route traffic from lan to internet through vtun0, vtun1 or wan (based on what source ip is). What if the ovpn servers have same internal ip’s, or i don’t know them?

Can somebody point me into right direction?


PS. I use this kind of policies

show policy
route vpn1 {
rule 10 {
destination {
protocol tcp
set {
table 10
source {