Use same network address for differentinterfaces

I have a problem with setting config for VYOS.
When I try to create 2 different interfaces with the same network address, create a rule what allows to ssh to hosts. And I allow to ssh to host on 2178 interface, but not on 2195. Its dont work not only for .82.0/24, but for all of them.

For example this in vyos config.

    "success": True,
    "data": {
        "firewall": {
            "all-ping": "enable",
            "broadcast-ping": "disable",
            "config-trap": "disable",
            "group": {
                "address-group": {
                    "outside-v2178-ad-10": {
                        "address": "",
                        "description": "hosts allowed to be hit on port 22",
                    "outside-v2195-ad-10": {
                        "address": "",
                        "description": "hosts allowed to be hit on port 22",
                    "v2178-outside-ad-10": {"address": ""},
                    "v2195-outside-ad-10": {"address": ""},
                "port-group": {
                    "outside-v2178-pr-10": {
                        "description": "Description for port group",
                        "port": "22",
                    "outside-v2195-pr-10": {
                        "description": "Description for port group",
                        "port": "22",
            "ipv6-receive-redirects": "disable",
            "ipv6-src-route": "disable",
            "ip-src-route": "disable",
            "log-martians": "enable",
            "name": {
                "outside-local": {
                    "default-action": "drop",
                    "rule": {
                        "1": {
                            "action": "accept",
                            "state": {"established": "enable", "related": "enable"},
                        "2": {
                            "action": "drop",
                            "log": "enable",
                            "state": {"invalid": "enable"},
                        "10": {
                            "action": "accept",
                            "destination": {"port": "22"},
                            "protocol": "tcp",
                            "state": {"new": "enable"},
                        "20": {
                            "action": "accept",
                            "icmp": {"type-name": "echo-reply"},
                            "protocol": "icmp",
                            "state": {"new": "enable"},
                "outside-v2178": {
                    "default-action": "drop",
                    "rule": {
                        "1": {
                            "action": "accept",
                            "state": {"established": "enable", "related": "enable"},
                        "2": {
                            "action": "drop",
                            "log": "enable",
                            "state": {"invalid": "enable"},
                        "10": {
                            "action": "accept",
                            "description": "SSH",
                            "destination": {
                                "group": {
                                    "address-group": "outside-v2178-ad-10",
                                    "port-group": "outside-v2178-pr-10",
                            "protocol": "tcp",
                            "source": {"address": ""},
                "outside-v2195": {
                    "default-action": "drop",
                    "rule": {
                        "1": {
                            "action": "accept",
                            "state": {"established": "enable", "related": "enable"},
                        "2": {
                            "action": "drop",
                            "log": "enable",
                            "state": {"invalid": "enable"},
                        "10": {
                            "action": "accept",
                            "description": "SSH",
                            "destination": {
                                "group": {
                                    "address-group": "outside-v2195-ad-10",
                                    "port-group": "outside-v2195-pr-10",
                            "protocol": "tcp",
                            "source": {"address": ""},
                "v2178-outside": {
                    "default-action": "drop",
                    "rule": {
                        "1": {
                            "action": "accept",
                            "state": {"established": "enable", "related": "enable"},
                        "2": {
                            "action": "drop",
                            "log": "enable",
                            "state": {"invalid": "enable"},
                        "10": {
                            "action": "accept",
                            "description": "ANY",
                            "destination": {"address": ""},
                            "source": {
                                "group": {"address-group": "v2178-outside-ad-10"}
                "v2195-outside": {
                    "default-action": "drop",
                    "rule": {
                        "1": {
                            "action": "accept",
                            "state": {"established": "enable", "related": "enable"},
                        "2": {
                            "action": "drop",
                            "log": "enable",
                            "state": {"invalid": "enable"},
                        "10": {
                            "action": "accept",
                            "description": "ANY",
                            "destination": {"address": ""},
                            "source": {
                                "group": {"address-group": "v2195-outside-ad-10"}
            "receive-redirects": "disable",
            "send-redirects": "enable",
            "source-validation": "disable",
            "syn-cookies": "enable",
            "twa-hazards-protection": "disable",
        "interfaces": {
            "ethernet": {
                "eth0": {
                    "firewall": {"in": {"name": "outside-local"}},
                    "hw-id": "50:6b:8d:d8:bd:8c",
                    "vif": {
                        "801": {
                            "address": "",
                            "description": "vLAN801 - outside",
                        "2178": {
                            "address": "",
                            "description": "Customer uuid: c001 name: company1",
                        "2195": {
                            "address": "",
                            "description": "Customer uuid: c001 name: company1",
            "loopback": {"lo": {}},
        "nat": {
            "destination": {
                "rule": {
                    "21782": {
                        "description": "1-to-1 NAT - 2178 - fae0ca6f-8e95-430f-8434-3ca69fb73275 - ingress",
                        "destination": {"address": ""},
                        "inbound-interface": "eth0.801",
                        "translation": {"address": ""},
                    "21783": {
                        "description": "NAT Reflection: INSIDE - 2178 - fae0ca6f-8e95-430f-8434-3ca69fb73275",
                        "destination": {"address": ""},
                        "inbound-interface": "eth0.2178",
                        "translation": {"address": ""},
                    "21952": {
                        "description": "1-to-1 NAT - 2195 - 804c1e99-746b-4fcd-b5a2-556dcaf25e58 - ingress",
                        "destination": {"address": ""},
                        "inbound-interface": "eth0.801",
                        "translation": {"address": ""},
                    "21964": {
                        "description": "1-to-1 NAT - 2196 - a68af80a-508e-40ca-9b3a-75b613186724 - ingress",
                        "destination": {"address": ""},
                        "inbound-interface": "eth0.801",
                        "translation": {"address": ""},
            "source": {
                "rule": {
                    "21782": {
                        "description": "1-to-1 NAT - 2178 - fae0ca6f-8e95-430f-8434-3ca69fb73275 - ergess",
                        "outbound-interface": "eth0.801",
                        "source": {"address": ""},
                        "translation": {"address": ""},
                    "21783": {
                        "description": "NAT Reflection: INSIDE - 2178 - fae0ca6f-8e95-430f-8434-3ca69fb73275",
                        "destination": {"address": ""},
                        "outbound-interface": "eth0.2178",
                        "source": {"address": ""},
                        "translation": {"address": "masquerade"},
                    "21952": {
                        "description": "1-to-1 NAT - 2195 - 804c1e99-746b-4fcd-b5a2-556dcaf25e58 - ergess",
                        "outbound-interface": "eth0.801",
                        "source": {"address": ""},
                        "translation": {"address": ""},
						"description":"NAT Reflection: INSIDE - 2195 - 804c1e99-746b-4fcd-b5a2-556dcaf25e58",
        "protocols": {
            "static": {"route": {"": {"next-hop": {"": {}}}}}
        "service": {
            "https": {
                "api": {
                    "debug": {},
                    "keys": {
                        "id": {
                    "port": "yyyy",
                "certificates": {"system-generated-certificate": {"lifetime": "3650"}},
                "virtual-host": {
                    "vyosstage": {
                        "listen-address": "",
                        "listen-port": "yyyy",
            "lldp": {},
            "ssh": {"disable-password-authentication": {}, "port": "22"},
        "system": {
            "config-management": {"commit-revisions": "100"},
            "console": {"device": {"ttyS0": {"speed": "115200"}}},
            "host-name": "vyos",
            "login": {
                "user": {
                    "vyos": {
                        "authentication": {
            "ntp": {
                "server": {
                    "": {},
                    "": {},
                    "": {},
            "syslog": {
                "global": {
                    "facility": {
                        "all": {"level": "info"},
                        "protocols": {"level": "debug"},
        "zone-policy": {
            "zone": {
                "outside": {
                    "default-action": "drop",
                    "from": {
                        "v2178": {"firewall": {"name": "v2178-outside"}},
                        "v2195": {"firewall": {"name": "v2195-outside"}},
                    "interface": "eth0.801",
                "v2178": {
                    "from": {"outside": {"firewall": {"name": "outside-v2178"}}},
                    "interface": "eth0.2178",
                "v2195": {
                    "from": {"outside": {"firewall": {"name": "outside-v2195"}}},
                    "interface": "eth0.2195",
    "error": null,

Hello @syphi , you need to bridge interfaces that have the same IP. Or as another solution, try to define more specific routes (/32) for each host behind each interface

 set protocols static interface-route next-hop-interface eth0.2178
 set protocols static interface-route next-hop-interface eth0.2195

Something like IP-Unnumbered
ps:/ For 1.3/1.4 syntax a bit different

Hi I’m on the same team as Syphi, thank you for the speedy reply.

This is our challenge:

ExtIP_1 < one_to_one_nat and FW rules > <interface.vlan_A>
ExtIP_2 < one_to_one_nat and FW rules > <interface.vlan_B>

Our users can, via a front-end vyos API, create internal networks behind their external IP address, the users are then free to IP a host to create this NAT.

We’re hoping as each user has their own internal vLAN interface and own external IP address there would be no IPv4 conflict - when two users create the same network on different vLANs. But we’re unable to route a conflicting network, though separated by VLAN/Interface.

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Hello @creslin , In this case you need to us VRF

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