Using VyOS to Set Up a Public IP Endpoint for Site-to-Site Bypass of Starlink CG-NAT

Yeah I think I understand what you’re trying to do. Are you saying you’re currently only using Starlink, and not VyOS? And you’re looking to connect VyOS off of Starlink?

If that’s the case, all you need is another default route towards that other node (in additional to Starlink), and then you can use policy based routing to forward traffic over whichever path you wanted. You can use those overlay services for that if you wanted. I mention how to do that with NetBird towards the end of this thread:

Here’s an example from VyOS’ documentation if you wanted to do it without using an overlay solution like NetBird:

You’d add a second default route in a different table via WireGuard or something, and just selectively forward traffc via Policy Based Routing. Just make sure you do static mappings for the DHCP leases of those devices. You’d need to create a new LAN subnet if Starlink is issuing IPs in the subnet. You’d have something like this:

  • Starlink WAN:
  • WireGuard to remote site: <some subnet, can be a /30>
  • New LAN: