Virtual Network Device Order Presented to VyOS virtual guest.
I am having a VirutalBox Guest VM (VyOS) network issue that appears to be caused by the order that VirtualBox presents its virtual network devices to the VyOS guest.
The following description is based on:
Host: Linux (Gentoo running 5.5.13 kernel) with Virtualbox-6.1.4
Guest: vyos-1.3-rolling-20200328021 same problem with vyos-1.1.8
I am using the “Live CD” version of vyos until I solve this network issue.
I am using the host VirtualBox command line to add network devices because I want seven virtual network devices and the VirtualBox GUI only supports four.
If I use just one virtual (host-only vboxnet3) network adapter. All network activity between the guest (VyOS - eth0) and the host work as expected without issue.
Network device added to VM (VyOS) using:
vboxmanage modifyvm “VyOS” --nic1 hostonly --nictype1 82545EM --cableconnected1 on --hostonlyadapter1 vboxnet3
I shut down the guest and add a 2nd virtual network adapter (either another host-only adapter or an internal adapter) to the guest (VyOS - eth0 and eth1) then boot the VyOS guest. Now trying to ping the IP address on the guest eth0 and it fails. However if I change the IP of the host’s hostonly IP to be on the same network as what I expected the internal adapter of the guest to be on, it works.
Network devices added to VM using:
vboxmanage modifyvm “VyOS” --nic1 hostonly --nictype1 82545EM --cableconnected1 on --hostonlyadapter1 vboxnet3
vboxmanage modifyvm “VyOS” --nic2 intnet --nictype2 82545EM --cableconnected2 on --intnet2 intnet2
This appears to be the real-world equivalent of plugging the ethernet cable from the switch into the wrong RJ45 jack on the back of the computer (VyOS system).
How do I control the order that VBox virtual network devices are presented to the guest? Or is there another way to “fix” this?
Is there any way from the VyOS VM to list the network device and cosponsoring VBox network device?