Vyatta-cfg-system: "add system image" does not work with file path


I have faced a situation today, I am trying “add system image /etc/ulak/vyos-1.2.iso” command with existing iso file, but the response is shown as below.

–username use username for HTTP auth (optional)
–password use password for HTTP auth (optional)
I looked commits, I guess, there is a bug occured after commit “771e535725cee0c01a80a71717afce85d7efcc70”. Because I can use this command before the pull updated repositories. Maybe I miss something about using this command. Any idea or suggestion? Thanks

Hello @utosun, I did not get this issue on the latest rolling.

vyos@vyos:~$ show version | match Version
Version:          VyOS 1.3-rolling-202008070118
vyos@vyos:~$ curl https://downloads.vyos.io/rolling/current/amd64/vyos-1.3-rolling-202008040823-amd64.iso -O
vyos@vyos:~$  ls
vyos@vyos:~$  add system image /home/vyos/vyos-1.3-rolling-202008040823-amd64.iso
Checking MD5 checksums of files on the ISO image...OK.ing-202008040823-amd64.iso 
What would you like to name this image? [1.3-rolling-202008040823]: 
OK.  This image will be named: 1.3-rolling-202008040823
Installing "1.3-rolling-202008040823" image.
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