VyOS lockup 1.1.8 - Vmware

Morning all,

Got a problem with VyOS v1.1.8 [stable] image running on VMware esxi 6.5 U2 where there will be a CPU spike shown, then the router will stop advertising routes/passing traffic. The config is fairly basic. When you get on the console you can get as far as entering the username, before it totally locks up.

We have 4 of these running, and the issue can affect any of them.

Spec of the VM’s are 5GB storage, 1GB RAM, single CPU.

Nothing in the logs (show log) - seems to be a black hole between date and the time it was rebooted.

Any thoughts welcome, also can I configure to get more logs to diagnose this?


make sure you use vmxnet3 adapters


thanks - yes they are VmxNet3 adapters. I note that the “vmware tools is not installed” would occur, so I ponder about the vmware guest tools stability.

I’ve upgraded to 1.2. version and am watching to see if its more stable. I also see that Debian 6 is not supported by VMware 6.5, so upgrading to 1.2 and Debian 8 should also help hopefully


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