firewall { group { address-group dns_servers { address "" } address-group wan4_only_clients { address "" } interface-group ALL_LAN { interface "br0.10" interface "br0.20" interface "br0.30" interface "br0.40" interface "br0.50" interface "br0.60" interface "br0.70" interface "br0.99" interface "br0.140" interface "br0.150" interface "br0.160" } interface-group LAB { interface "br0.140" interface "br0.150" interface "br0.160" } interface-group LAN { interface "br0.10" interface "br0.20" interface "br0.30" interface "br0.40" interface "br0.50" interface "br0.60" interface "br0.70" interface "br0.99" } interface-group WAN { interface "pppoe0" interface "eth1" interface "wg1" } ipv6-address-group dns_servers { address "2a0a:6040:4004:99::a1" } ipv6-network-group allowed_to_router { network "2a0a:6040:4004:10::/64" network "2a0a:6040:4004:99::/64" } ipv6-network-group bad_ipv6 { network "::/128" network "::1/128" network "fec0::/10" network "::/96" network "100::/64" network "2001:db8::/32" network "2001:10::/28" network "3ffe::/16" network "::/104" network "2001::/23" } ipv6-network-group no_forward_ipv6 { network "fe80::/10" network "ff00::/8" } mac-group ZEONET_MACS { mac-address "b4:8a:5f:24:3f:c1" mac-address "30:fd:65:29:ca:c8" mac-address "66:75:63:6b:20:77" mac-address "66:75:63:6b:20:76" mac-address "66:75:63:6b:20:75" } network-group allowed_to_router { network "" network "" network "" } network-group external_lan { description "External LAN containing WAN1 modem and WAN2 modem" network "" network "" } network-group not_in_internet { network "" network "" network "" network "" network "" network "" network "" network "" network "" network "" network "" network "" network "" network "" network "" network "" } network-group personal_vpn { network "" network "" network "" network "" network "" } network-group vlan_10 { network "" network "" } network-group vlan_20 { network "" network "" } network-group vlan_30 { network "" network "" } network-group vlan_40 { network "" network "" } network-group web_traffic_allowlist { network "" } port-group DNS_PORTS { port "53" port "853" } port-group WIREGUARD_PORTS { port "51820" port "51821" port "51377" } } ipv4 { forward { filter { default-action "drop" rule 3 { action "accept" description "Accept established,related" state { established "enable" related "enable" } } rule 4 { action "accept" description "Allow ICMP to DNS server" destination { group { address-group "dns_servers" } } inbound-interface { interface-group "ALL_LAN" } protocol "icmp" } rule 5 { action "accept" description "Allow LAN interfaces to reach DNS servers" destination { group { address-group "dns_servers" port-group "DNS_PORTS" } } inbound-interface { interface-group "ALL_LAN" } protocol "tcp_udp" } rule 6 { action "drop" description "Drop invalid" state { invalid "enable" } } rule 7 { action "accept" description "Allow access to WAN2 modem" destination { address "" } inbound-interface { interface-group "ALL_LAN" } outbound-interface { interface-name "eth1" } } rule 8 { action "drop" description "Drop traffic to non public networks to WAN" destination { group { network-group "not_in_internet" } } inbound-interface { interface-group "ALL_LAN" } outbound-interface { interface-group "WAN" } } rule 9 { action "drop" description "Drop rfc1918 traffic from WAN" inbound-interface { interface-group "WAN" } source { group { network-group "not_in_internet" } } } rule 10 { action "accept" description "Allow incoming traffic from personal vpn to external lan" destination { group { network-group "external_lan" } } inbound-interface { interface-name "wg0" } } rule 11 { action "jump" jump-target "VLAN_10" source { group { network-group "vlan_10" } } } rule 12 { action "jump" jump-target "VLAN_20" source { group { network-group "vlan_20" } } } rule 13 { action "jump" jump-target "VLAN_30" source { group { network-group "vlan_30" } } } rule 14 { action "jump" jump-target "VLAN_40" source { group { network-group "vlan_40" } } } rule 15 { action "jump" inbound-interface { interface-name "br0.50" } jump-target "VLAN_50" } rule 16 { action "jump" inbound-interface { interface-name "br0.60" } jump-target "VLAN_60" } rule 17 { action "jump" inbound-interface { interface-name "br0.70" } jump-target "VLAN_70" } rule 18 { action "jump" inbound-interface { interface-name "br0.99" } jump-target "VLAN_99" } rule 19 { action "jump" inbound-interface { interface-name "br0.140" } jump-target "VLAN_140" } rule 20 { action "jump" inbound-interface { interface-name "br0.150" } jump-target "VLAN_150" } rule 21 { action "jump" inbound-interface { interface-name "br0.160" } jump-target "VLAN_160" } rule 22 { action "jump" description "personal-vpn rules" jump-target "PERSONAL_VPN" source { group { network-group "personal_vpn" } } } } } input { filter { default-action "drop" rule 1 { action "accept" state { established "enable" related "enable" } } rule 2 { action "accept" destination { group { port-group "WIREGUARD_PORTS" } } protocol "udp" } rule 3 { action "accept" protocol "icmp" } rule 4 { action "accept" description "Allow incoming DHCPv4 traffic from eth1" inbound-interface { interface-name "eth1" } protocol "udp" source { port "67" } } rule 5 { action "accept" description "Allow access to router" source { group { network-group "allowed_to_router" } } } rule 6 { action "drop" description "Drop all not coming from LAN" inbound-interface { interface-group "WAN" } } rule 7 { action "accept" description "Allow DHCPv4 traffic from LAN interfaces" destination { port "67" } inbound-interface { interface-group "ALL_LAN" } protocol "udp" source { port "68" } } rule 8 { action "accept" description "Allow LAN interfaces to reach DNS(udp/53)" destination { port "53" } inbound-interface { interface-group "ALL_LAN" } protocol "tcp_udp" } rule 9 { action "accept" description "Accept NTP from LAN" destination { port "123" } inbound-interface { interface-group "ALL_LAN" } protocol "udp" } rule 10 { action "drop" description "Drop Invalid" state { invalid "enable" } } rule 11 { action "accept" inbound-interface { interface-name "wg0" } source { group { network-group "personal_vpn" } } } rule 12 { action "reject" inbound-interface { interface-name "wg0" } } } } name ICMP_CHAIN { default-action "drop" description "Chain to handle ICMP traffic" rule 1 { action "accept" description "echo reply" icmp { code "0" type "0" type-name "echo-reply" } } rule 2 { action "accept" description "net unreachable" icmp { code "0" type "3" } } rule 3 { action "accept" description "host unreachable" icmp { code "1" type "3" } } rule 4 { action "accept" description "allow time exceeded" icmp { code "0" type "11" } } rule 5 { action "accept" description "host unreachable fragmentation required" icmp { code "4" type "11" } } rule 6 { action "accept" description "allow echo request" icmp { code "0" type "8" } } rule 7 { action "accept" description "allow parameter problem" icmp { code "0" type "12" } } } name PERSONAL_VPN { default-action "drop" rule 1 { action "accept" description "Allow traffic from Vultr Node" } } name VLAN_10 { default-action "reject" rule 1 { action "accept" description "Allow WAN access" outbound-interface { interface-group "WAN" } } rule 2 { action "accept" description "Allow VPN access" outbound-interface { interface-name "wg0" } } rule 3 { action "accept" description "Allow intra vlan access" destination { group { network-group "vlan_10" } } } rule 4 { action "accept" description "Allow talking to VLAN_50" outbound-interface { interface-name "br0.50" } } rule 5 { action "accept" description "Allow talking to VLAN_70" outbound-interface { interface-name "br0.70" } } rule 6 { action "accept" description "Allow talking to VLAN_99" outbound-interface { interface-name "br0.99" } } rule 7 { action "accept" description "Allow access to external lan" destination { group { network-group "external_lan" } } } rule 8 { action "jump" jump-target "ICMP_CHAIN" protocol "icmp" } } name VLAN_20 { default-action "drop" rule 1 { action "accept" description "Allow WAN access" outbound-interface { interface-group "WAN" } } rule 2 { action "accept" description "Allow intra vlan access" destination { group { network-group "vlan_20" } } } rule 3 { action "accept" description "Allow talking to VLAN_50" outbound-interface { interface-name "br0.50" } } rule 4 { action "accept" description "Allow talking to VLAN_70" outbound-interface { interface-name "br0.70" } } rule 5 { action "accept" description "Allow access to VLAN_30" destination { group { network-group "vlan_30" } } } rule 6 { action "jump" jump-target "ICMP_CHAIN" protocol "icmp" } } name VLAN_30 { default-action "drop" rule 1 { action "accept" description "Allow WAN access" outbound-interface { interface-group "WAN" } } rule 2 { action "accept" description "Allow intra vlan access" destination { group { network-group "vlan_30" } } } rule 3 { action "accept" description "Allow talking to VLAN_50" outbound-interface { interface-name "br0.50" } } rule 4 { action "accept" description "Allow talking to VLAN_70" outbound-interface { interface-name "br0.70" } } rule 5 { action "accept" description "Allow access to VLAN_20" destination { group { network-group "vlan_20" } } } rule 6 { action "jump" jump-target "ICMP_CHAIN" protocol "icmp" } } name VLAN_40 { default-action "drop" rule 1 { action "accept" description "Allow WAN access" outbound-interface { interface-group "WAN" } } rule 2 { action "accept" description "Allow intra vlan access" destination { group { network-group "vlan_40" } } } rule 3 { action "accept" description "Allow talking to VLAN_50" outbound-interface { interface-name "br0.50" } } rule 4 { action "accept" description "Allow talking to VLAN_70" outbound-interface { interface-name "br0.70" } } rule 5 { action "jump" jump-target "ICMP_CHAIN" protocol "icmp" } } name VLAN_50 { default-action "drop" rule 1 { action "accept" description "Allow WAN access" outbound-interface { interface-group "WAN" } } rule 2 { action "accept" description "Allow VPN access" outbound-interface { interface-name "wg0" } } rule 3 { action "accept" description "Allow access to VLAN_10" destination { group { network-group "vlan_10" } } } rule 4 { action "jump" jump-target "ICMP_CHAIN" protocol "icmp" } } name VLAN_60 { default-action "drop" rule 1 { action "accept" description "Allow WAN access" outbound-interface { interface-group "WAN" } } rule 2 { action "jump" jump-target "ICMP_CHAIN" protocol "icmp" } } name VLAN_70 { default-action "drop" rule 1 { action "accept" description "Allow intra vlan access" outbound-interface { interface-name "br0.70" } } } name VLAN_99 { default-action "drop" rule 1 { action "accept" description "Allow WAN access" outbound-interface { interface-group "WAN" } } rule 2 { action "accept" description "Allow VPN access" outbound-interface { interface-name "wg0" } } rule 3 { action "accept" description "Allow intra vlan access" outbound-interface { interface-name "br0.99" } } rule 4 { action "accept" description "Allow talking to VLAN_50" outbound-interface { interface-name "br0.50" } } rule 5 { action "accept" description "Allow talking to VLAN_70" outbound-interface { interface-name "br0.70" } } rule 6 { action "accept" description "Allow access to external lan" destination { group { network-group "external_lan" } } } rule 7 { action "jump" jump-target "ICMP_CHAIN" protocol "icmp" } } name VLAN_140 { default-action "drop" rule 1 { action "accept" description "Allow WAN access" outbound-interface { interface-group "WAN" } } rule 2 { action "accept" description "Allow intra vlan access" outbound-interface { interface-name "br0.140" } } rule 3 { action "jump" jump-target "ICMP_CHAIN" protocol "icmp" } } name VLAN_150 { default-action "drop" rule 1 { action "accept" description "Allow WAN access" outbound-interface { interface-group "WAN" } } rule 2 { action "accept" description "Allow intra vlan access" outbound-interface { interface-name "br0.150" } } rule 3 { action "jump" jump-target "ICMP_CHAIN" protocol "icmp" } } name VLAN_160 { default-action "reject" rule 1 { action "accept" description "Allow WAN access" outbound-interface { interface-group "WAN" } } rule 2 { action "accept" description "Allow intra vlan access" outbound-interface { interface-name "br0.160" } } rule 3 { action "jump" jump-target "ICMP_CHAIN" protocol "icmp" } } } } interfaces { bridge br0 { description "bridge" enable-vlan member { interface eth2 { allowed-vlan "10" allowed-vlan "20" allowed-vlan "30" allowed-vlan "40" allowed-vlan "50" allowed-vlan "60" allowed-vlan "99" allowed-vlan "70" allowed-vlan "140" allowed-vlan "150" allowed-vlan "160" } interface eth3 { allowed-vlan "10" allowed-vlan "20" allowed-vlan "30" allowed-vlan "40" allowed-vlan "50" allowed-vlan "60" allowed-vlan "99" allowed-vlan "70" allowed-vlan "140" allowed-vlan "150" allowed-vlan "160" } interface eth4 { allowed-vlan "10" allowed-vlan "20" allowed-vlan "30" allowed-vlan "40" allowed-vlan "50" allowed-vlan "60" allowed-vlan "99" allowed-vlan "70" allowed-vlan "140" allowed-vlan "150" allowed-vlan "160" } interface eth5 { allowed-vlan "10" allowed-vlan "20" allowed-vlan "30" allowed-vlan "40" allowed-vlan "50" allowed-vlan "60" allowed-vlan "99" allowed-vlan "70" allowed-vlan "140" allowed-vlan "150" allowed-vlan "160" } } vif 10 { address "" description "ishan" } vif 20 { address "" description "pranjal" } vif 30 { address "" description "akshat" } vif 40 { address "" description "priyam" } vif 50 { address "" description "lab" } vif 60 { address "" description "guest" } vif 70 { address "" description "lab-no-internet" } vif 99 { address "" description "mgmt" } vif 140 { address "" description "ipv6 only" } vif 150 { address "" description "wan1 only" } vif 160 { address "" description "wan2 only" } } ethernet eth0 { address "" description "EXT-WAN1" hw-id "a8:b8:e0:00:4a:d7" mac "66:75:63:6B:20:77" } ethernet eth1 { address "dhcp" dhcp-options { default-route-distance "2" } hw-id "a8:b8:e0:00:4a:d8" } ethernet eth2 { hw-id "a8:b8:e0:00:4a:d9" } ethernet eth3 { hw-id "a8:b8:e0:00:4a:da" } ethernet eth4 { hw-id "a8:b8:e0:00:4a:db" } ethernet eth5 { hw-id "a8:b8:e0:00:4a:dc" } input ifb0 { } loopback lo { } pppoe pppoe0 { authentication { } default-route-distance "1" description "Zeonet" ip { adjust-mss "clamp-mss-to-pmtu" } no-peer-dns source-interface "eth0" } wireguard wg0 { address "" address "" address "" address "" address "" description "personal-vpn" mtu "1432" port "51820" } wireguard wg1 { address "" mtu "1432" port "51821" } } load-balancing { wan { enable-local-traffic flush-connections interface-health eth1 { nexthop "" test 1 { resp-time "2" target "" ttl-limit "64" type "ping" } } interface-health pppoe0 { nexthop "" test 1 { resp-time "2" target "" ttl-limit "64" type "ping" } } rule 1 { description "Exclude LAN traffic" destination { address "" } exclude inbound-interface "br0+" protocol "all" source { address "" } } rule 2 { description "Exclude traffic to 5g modem" destination { address "" } exclude inbound-interface "br0+" protocol "all" source { address "" } } rule 3 { description "Exclude Fiber Modem traffic" destination { address "" } exclude inbound-interface "br0+" protocol "all" source { address "" } } rule 4 { description "WAN1_ONLY" exclude inbound-interface "br0.150" protocol "all" source { address "" } } rule 5 { description "WAN2_ONLY" exclude inbound-interface "br0.160" protocol "all" source { address "" } } rule 6 { description "WAN1_WAN2_FAILOVER" failover inbound-interface "br0+" interface eth1 { weight "1" } interface pppoe0 { weight "2" } protocol "all" source { address "" } } } } nat { destination { rule 1 { destination { group { address-group "!dns_servers" } port "53" } disable protocol "tcp_udp" source { group { address-group "!dns_servers" } } translation { address "" port "53" } } rule 2 { description "Caddy 443" destination { port "443" } inbound-interface "pppoe0" protocol "tcp_udp" source { group { network-group "web_traffic_allowlist" } } translation { address "" port "443" } } rule 3 { description "Caddy 9001" destination { port "9001" } inbound-interface "pppoe0" protocol "tcp" source { group { network-group "web_traffic_allowlist" } } translation { address "" port "9001" } } rule 4 { description "Caddy 80" destination { port "80" } inbound-interface "pppoe0" protocol "tcp" source { group { network-group "web_traffic_allowlist" } } translation { address "" port "80" } } rule 5 { description "Pranjal transmission" destination { port "51413" } inbound-interface "pppoe0" protocol "tcp_udp" translation { address "" port "51413" } } rule 6 { description "Ishan QBit" destination { port "51411" } inbound-interface "pppoe0" protocol "tcp_udp" translation { address "" port "51411" } } } source { rule 1 { description "fiber wan" outbound-interface "pppoe0" translation { address "masquerade" } } rule 2 { description "lte/5g wan" outbound-interface "eth1" translation { address "masquerade" } } rule 3 { description "personal vpn" outbound-interface "wg0" translation { address "masquerade" } } rule 4 { description "external fiber lan" outbound-interface "eth0" translation { address "masquerade" } } rule 5 { description "pia vpn" outbound-interface "wg1" translation { address "masquerade" } } } } policy { route WAN3_CLIENTS { rule 1 { set { table "10" } source { group { address-group "wan4_only_clients" } } } } } protocols { static { route { interface eth1 { distance "2" } interface pppoe0 { distance "1" } } route { description "Path to WAN2 Modem" interface eth1 { distance "1" } } table 10 { route { next-hop { distance "1" interface "wg1" } } } } } qos { interface eth1 { egress "20MB_DOWNLOAD_RATE_CONTROL" } interface ifb0 { egress "20MB_DL_LIMIT" } policy { rate-control 20MB_DOWNLOAD_RATE_CONTROL { bandwidth "30mbit" burst "15k" } shaper 20MB_DL_LIMIT { bandwidth "30mbit" default { bandwidth "30mbit" burst "15k" } } } } service { dhcp-server { hostfile-update shared-network-name vlan10 { authoritative domain-name "" domain-search "" name-server "" ntp-server "" subnet { default-router "" lease "43200" name-server "" range vlan10 { start "" stop "" } } } shared-network-name vlan20 { authoritative domain-name "" domain-search "" name-server "" ntp-server "" subnet { default-router "" lease "43200" range vlan20 { start "" stop "" } } } shared-network-name vlan30 { authoritative domain-name "" domain-search "" name-server "" ntp-server "" subnet { default-router "" lease "43200" range vlan30 { start "" stop "" } } } shared-network-name vlan40 { authoritative domain-name "" domain-search "" name-server "" ntp-server "" subnet { default-router "" lease "43200" range vlan40 { start "" stop "" } } } shared-network-name vlan50 { authoritative domain-name "" domain-search "" name-server "" ntp-server "" subnet { default-router "" lease "43200" range vlan50 { start "" stop "" } } } shared-network-name vlan60 { authoritative domain-name "" domain-search "" name-server "" ntp-server "" subnet { default-router "" lease "43200" range vlan60 { start "" stop "" } } } shared-network-name vlan70 { authoritative domain-name "" domain-search "" name-server "" ntp-server "" subnet { default-router "" lease "43200" range vlan70 { start "" stop "" } } } shared-network-name vlan99 { authoritative domain-name "" domain-search "" name-server "" ntp-server "" subnet { default-router "" lease "43200" range vlan99 { start "" stop "" } } } shared-network-name vlan150 { authoritative domain-name "" domain-search "" name-server "" ntp-server "" subnet { default-router "" lease "43200" range vlan150 { start "" stop "" } } } shared-network-name vlan160 { authoritative domain-name "" domain-search "" name-server "" ntp-server "" subnet { default-router "" lease "43200" range vlan160 { start "" stop "" } } } } dns { forwarding { allow-from "" listen-address "" port "5353" system } } monitoring { telegraf { influxdb { authentication { organization "homelab" } bucket "vyos" port "8086" url "" } source "hardware-utilization" source "network" source "system" source "telegraf" } } ntp { allow-client { address "" address "" address "" address "" address "" address "" address "" address "" address "" address "" address "" } listen-address "" server { } server { } server { } } router-advert { interface br0.10 { default-lifetime "1800" default-preference "high" hop-limit "64" interval { max "300" } link-mtu "1432" name-server "2a0a:6040:4004:99::a1" no-send-advert prefix 2a0a:6040:4004:10::/64 { deprecate-prefix preferred-lifetime "43200" valid-lifetime "86400" } } } ssh { listen-address "" listen-address "" port "22" } } system { config-management { commit-revisions "100" } conntrack { modules { ftp h323 nfs sip } } console { device ttyS0 { speed "115200" } } domain-name "" host-name "router" login { user vyos { authentication { encrypted-password "$6$4cXK/4S.Xaaqrj1H$Q7vxbb1Hqkcg/VFiItprPcK4llXr1FstyF.AVFEqOSVmVH.srm1S8AR1M5dzquCPKp/aNt4nG38O.P/S8CY280" plaintext-password "" public-keys ishan { key "AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIAX88KLYCUWS1IKTGsgIRIHwGxTyfhsiRyAgtv65GEEm" type "ssh-ed25519" } } } } name-server "" option { reboot-on-panic startup-beep } syslog { global { facility all { level "info" } facility local7 { level "debug" } } } time-zone "Asia/Kolkata" } // Warning: Do not remove the following line. // vyos-config-version: "bgp@4:broadcast-relay@1:cluster@1:config-management@1:conntrack@4:conntrack-sync@2:container@1:dhcp-relay@2:dhcp-server@6:dhcpv6-server@1:dns-dynamic@1:dns-forwarding@4:firewall@11:flow-accounting@1:https@4:ids@1:interfaces@30:ipoe-server@1:ipsec@12:isis@3:l2tp@4:lldp@1:mdns@1:monitoring@1:nat@5:nat66@1:ntp@3:openconnect@2:ospf@2:policy@6:pppoe-server@6:pptp@2:qos@2:quagga@11:rip@1:rpki@1:salt@1:snmp@3:ssh@2:sstp@4:system@26:vrf@3:vrrp@4:vyos-accel-ppp@2:wanloadbalance@3:webproxy@2" // Release version: 1.5-rolling-202310090023