1.20 Reboot problem with Dell PowerEdge R220

Hi @nokje, which version running?

Hi, I’m running the current rolling release.

Hello @nokje, we don’t have a similar device in our lab. Need to think about how to reproduce this locally.
Can you try to reproduce this with an old snapshot?

add system image https://downloads.vyos.io/snapshot/vyos-1.2-snapshot-2019Q4-amd64.iso

Hi, I’ve tried it with this image and the same watchdog error was raised. Strange thing is that when I ran your command and performed a reboot no error was given and the device rebooted, unfortunately this was only once.

When do a “sudo shutdown -h now” command it hangs at the message: Reached target Shutdown. I’ve followed this artikel https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=941239 and tried to follow the instructions in /usr/share/doc/systemd/README.Debian which are part of In situations where the debug shell is not available, .... Unfortunately this doesn’t create the expected output file.

@Dmitry, do you have time to look at my response?

Hello @nokje, did you try to update/reset BIOS? I guess this issue might be related to HW/BIOS