1.5-rolling: cloud-init and ntp

Exact version: 1.5-rolling-202311060023

My cloud-init vyos_config_commands has the following lines, which should be the correct syntax for 1.5:

 - set service ntp server ntp.server1
 - set service ntp server ntp.server2

During bootup, I run into this:

[   33.923523] vyos-router[1461]: Mounting VyOS Config...done.
[   39.390285] vyos-router[1461]: Starting VyOS router: migrate
[   39.391109] vyos-router[1885]: Migration script error: /opt/vyatta/etc/config-migrate/migrate/ntp/1-to-2: [Errno 1] failed to run command: ['/opt/vyatta/etc/config-migrate/migrate/ntp/1-to-2', '/opt/vyatta/etc/config/config.boot']
[   39.394050] vyos-router[1885]: returned:
[   39.394517] vyos-router[1885]: exit code: 1.
[   54.329626] vyos-config[1467]: Configuration error
[   54.373450] vyos-router[1461]:  configure failed!

In this state some of the set commands that come after the ntp lines will not be applied.
If I don’t put the ntp lines into cloud-init, I get this config:

set service ntp allow-client address ''
set service ntp allow-client address '::/0'
set service ntp server time1.vyos.net
set service ntp server time2.vyos.net
set service ntp server time3.vyos.net

If I put them, I get this:

set service ntp server ntp.server1
set service ntp server ntp.server2

and for example all syslog config in cloud-init, that comes after, will be missing from the final config:

 - set service ntp server {{ ntp1 }}
 - set service ntp server {{ ntp2 }}

 - set system syslog host {{ syslog_server1 }} facility all level 'info'
 - set system syslog host {{ syslog_server1 }} protocol 'tcp'
 - set system syslog host {{ syslog_server1 }} port '1515

Again, if I remove the ntp lines from cloud-init, the syslog config will be applied fine.

But, for example, all " - set service snmp" and " - set service monitoring zabbix-agent" lines that are also after the ntp lines will also be applied fine.

Please share your full confg.

Do you habe the version line at the end of your config?

It’s from cloud-init, as I told in the original post.