Add environment variable like VYOS_COMMIT_APPROACH to identify which approach used by the configuration changed

add environment variable like VYOS_COMMIT_APPROACH to identify who make the configuration

add export VYOS_COMMIT_APPROACH=script in the commands script, just like the following:


source /opt/vyatta/etc/functions/script-template
# commnds

after execute the script, use show system commit get the commit log, like the following:

 0  2024-08-13 02:56:57  by vyos  via script
 1  2024-08-13 02:47:44  by vyos  via script
 2  2024-08-12 08:40:00  by vyos  via cli
 3  2024-08-12 08:39:45  by vyos  via cli
 4  2024-08-09 08:16:20  by vyos  via cli
 5  2024-08-09 08:16:04  by vyos  via cli
 6  2024-08-09 07:26:05  by vyos  via cli
 7  2024-08-09 07:23:17  by root  via vyos-boot-config-loader

not just vyos-boot-config-loader / cli.

I dont think that should be a changeable global variable but rather something vyos_configd (or whoever is creating those log entries) should figure out on itself.

The commit log should contain trustworthy information. Having a global variable that can override the commit source line (via cli, via vyos-boot-config-loader) may sound like a good idea but security-wise I think it may be an unsound decision.

However, maybe a combination: both what vyos-configd (?) determines by itself (trustworthy) and supplementary information using some sort of variable.

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