Announcement: Winners of the VyOS ASCII Art Contest!

Hello VyOS Community Members!

We are thrilled to announce the winners of the VyOS ASCII Art Contest, where participants showcased their creativity and talent through the art ASCII!

Congratulations!!! :tada:

:1st_place_medal: First Place: @yun
:2nd_place_medal: Second Place: @red123nax

We extend our sincere thanks to everyone who participated in the contest and shared their incredible ASCII creations with us. A special thank you goes to everyone who took the time to vote and help us pick the winners.

You can see all the artwork submission here: ASCII Artwork Submission! - Talks - VyOS Forums

Stay tuned for more exciting events and contests from VyOS in the future. Until then, keep creating and innovating!

Warm regards,
The VyOS Team


Got a directlink to both winners contributions?

Hey @Apachez! All artwork submission here - ASCII Artwork Submission! - Talks - VyOS Forums

I think it’d be pretty cool to have the top 3 be selectable options for a banner. Maybe even a randomize option, though that wouldn’t be as simple to add.

Hi @L0crian,

I really appreciate your input! While implementing a randomize option may require some additional development, it’s definitely something worth considering for enhancing user experience in the future. We’ll definitely take your suggestion into account. Thanks again for your input!


1st place: @yun:

2nd place: @red123nax

3rd place: None?


@Apachez, As outlined in the contest details and rules, we have designated only one first-place and one second-place winner. We have another contest in the near future. :eyes:

Wow first place, thank you all who voted for my submission! And thank you VyOS team for organizing, I had fun creating it.

I wouldn’t mind if it can be the default or as a selectable motd :smirk:


Very nice to hear that I made it to the 2nd place! Thanks everyone for voting. And congratulations @yun on making it to the 1st place, a well deserved winner!

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@red123nax, you had my vote. Your third options was super clean. If you don’t mind, can you put the ASCII in here?