API add allow from command

API can only restrict with a firewall rule

see this topic

dns and ntp as service has the allow from command.
it is more consistent it has API the same command “allow from” then a firewall rule that must be added extra.

Could you share your https configuration?
We’ll take a look what we can do.

hi, there is my config snipet

set firewall name OUTSIDE-LOCAL rule 34 action 'accept'
set firewall name OUTSIDE-LOCAL rule 34 destination port '443'
set firewall name OUTSIDE-LOCAL rule 34 log 'enable'
set firewall name OUTSIDE-LOCAL rule 34 protocol 'tcp'
set firewall name OUTSIDE-LOCAL rule 34 source address ''
set firewall name OUTSIDE-LOCAL rule 34 state established 'enable'
set firewall name OUTSIDE-LOCAL rule 34 state new 'enable'
set service https api port '443'
set service https certificates certificate 'vyostest'
set service https virtual-host mywebserver listen-address '*'
set pki certificate vyostest certificate 'cert'
set pki certificate vyostest private key 'certprivkey'

example how it works on ntp, this was my request for the api

set service https allow-client address ‘’

for ntp works fine
set service ntp allow-client address ‘’

Are you expecting this option per virtual-host or as a global option?

good question per virtual-host is more flexible then with only one global option.
one of the two is enough for me


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