ARTICLE: VyOS for Home Use

I wrote this series for people that are new to networking (or maybe just new to VyOS), but like the idea of a feature rich router like VyOS. Maybe they’re learning enterprise networking, and want to ensure that their home router helps reinforce everything that they’re learning at the time.

Part 1 - Initial Setup:

Part 2 - Internet Access:

Part 3 - LAN Connections:

Part 4 - DNS filtering using AdGuard Home:

Part 5 - Traffic Monitoring with ntopng:


Part 6 - Hardening :slight_smile:


Part 4 - DNS filtering using AdGuard Home:


Part 5 - Traffic Monitoring with ntopng


I tried your steps firewall rules breaks internet ,also disabling ntp server gave issues like some clients didnt get dhcp address

Internet shouldn’t be lost when doing part 2 of the series. If you already had LAN connections, then doing part 2 will kill internet access to clients until you add the part 3 firewall portion.

Can you provide these from Op Mode (obfuscate anything you don’t want to include):
show ntp
show interfaces
show firewall

And provide these from Conf Mode:
show firewall | commands
show service ntp | commands
show nat | commands

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yes it now works thanks again can you check out this post and guide me