to submit a bug, I need an extra account. it feels not smooth at this point.
two examples the last 24 h . any idea suggestions how to be smarter to open a bug ticket without extra account. I think if I need a extra account so the hurdle is bigger to open a bug ticket. Without bug ticket no improvement will happened to Vyos.
I have got myself a separate account for the bug tracker but I got the impression that the prefered method is to first ask in the forum and then once “approved” file it as a bug.
So I will file the above as bugs (unless somebody does it before me).
But it would be nifty to use the forum as a 1st level of bug reporting and once approved a VyOS maintainer (for example) or the thread creator could just by a single click make the full thread into a bug report at
This way the conversation could continue in the forum while the developers can do their stuff over at
Otherwise it will be confusing to have two different ways of dealing with bugs.