Bug with pdns-re cursor - best method to pin a package for a custom build


We have encountered a bug with the version of pdns-recursor pulled into VyOS 1.4 with debian/bullseye and raised the issue with the pdns maintainers (Change in behaviour for dont-query between pdns-recursor versions 4.3 and 4.4 · Issue #10638 · PowerDNS/pdns · GitHub).

In the meantime, what would be the best way to temporarily pin the pdns-recursor version that is pulled in when we build a custom iso following the instructions here: Build VyOS — VyOS 1.4.x (sagitta) documentation

Alternatively, what would we need to do to be able to pass through a custom dont-query value into the pdns-recursor config?

Kind Regards,


Task ⚓ T3750 pdns-recursor 4.4 issue with dont-query and private DNS servers