Build libvyosconfig for Windows?

Is it possible to build libvyosconfig for Windows (with Cygwin)?

I’m working on an C# application that needs to generate VyOS configuration files. My goal is to create a .NET Standard library with bindings for VyOS ConfigTree.

I’ve got working on an Ubuntu system. It only depends on But in order to use on a Windows system, libvyosconfig has to be build for Windows.

The Makefile of libvyosconfig seems to be multiplatform, but I have no experience with OCaml.

Does anyone have suggestions for compiling libvyosconfig for Windows?
Should I try GitHub - ocaml-cross/opam-cross-windows: An OCaml cross-toolchain for Windows and several useful libraries, OCaml for Windows or some other tool?

This sample .NET Core application calls functions.

namespace ConfigTree
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var config = Config.from_string("system { host-name vyos \n } interfaces { dummy dum0 { address \n address \n disable \n } }");
            Console.WriteLine("config* = " + config);
            var toStringResult = Config.to_string(config);
            Console.WriteLine("config.to_string(): " + toStringResult);
    public static class Config
        [DllImport("", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
        public static extern IntPtr from_string(string s);
        [DllImport("", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
        public static extern string to_string(IntPtr self);

It produces this output on Ubuntu (WSL):

config* = 26827648
config.to_string(): system {
    host-name "vyos"
interfaces {
    dummy dum0 {
        address ""
        address ""
        disable { }

I want to do the same on the Windows platform, but don’t know how to build libvyosconfig.