I fired back up the half-set-up VyOS experiment I had when I learned zones and single-use rule sets weren’t necessary anymore. I got my aliases into groups quickly, created a test rule to confirm I got a grasp on things, then moved out of the CLI into an IDE to build the whole thing.
When I had enough to cover the basics I pasted it to test, committed it but it didn’t work.
The routing table is OK, even OSPF has formed adjacencies, and I have no VRFs. It were the rules. I cleared them and started out with a broad rules targeting the [source] host I’m testing from, committed it, worked; I added the protocol to the rule, committed it, worked. I added the destination port group, committed it, couldn’t connect anymore.
I’ve no problems passing both contiguous and non-contiguous ports in a rule on other platforms, I doubt this was it but still, I removed the group trying to replace it for individual ports but it still wasn’t working.
Removing the destination, made the rule work again. Here’s the twist thought, I guessI wasn’t thinking because this rule was after every other rule, i.e; the biggest number just above the default [action] rule, so it shouldn’t had worked at all because I did create another conflicting rule.
This is VyOS v1.5 20230928 0022, BTW. Here are the rules:
Non working
# show firewall ipv4 forward filter rule 12000
action accept
destination {
group {
port-group pdef_webports
protocol tcp
source {
Non working
# show firewall ipv4 forward filter rule 12000
action accept
destination {
port https
protocol tcp
source {
# show firewall ipv4 forward filter rule 12000
action accept
protocol tcp
source {
Are rules limited on the fields they can match or is this some sort of a bug?