can we create backup VPN peer with Vyos

Hi Guys,

Would it be possible to create backup VPN with Vyos? I have two ISP links and wondering if I can create bacukup VPN with VYOS so that one of the links fails traffic will be switched over?

sure, you can do that

Oh thats great, would it be possible to provide a write up on that? Also does vyos provide numbered VTI?

check out user guide, it covers many topics, and yes, vti is supported

Do us all a favor please: If you answer a question about how to do something, either say how to do it or send a link. Otherwise, you’re just annoying professionals who are looking for real solutions. Thanks.

Hi Mike,
i´m not really care about annoyed professionals.

that’s fair. gives a clear picture of how useful we can expect this forum to be.

For annoyed people this forum is useless indeed