Can't move beyond 1.5-rolling-202409160007

Hi there,

Ocationally found that can’t make inplace upgrade by any version after 1.5-rolling-202409160007

Issue isn’t clear.
Even very simple configuration normally booted on 1.5-rolling-202409160007 gives configuration migration error on latter night builds

set interfaces ethernet eth0 address ''
set interfaces ethernet eth0 description 'Local network Interface'
set interfaces ethernet eth0 duplex 'auto'
set interfaces ethernet eth0 hw-id 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:7b'
set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip enable-arp-announce
set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip enable-proxy-arp
set interfaces ethernet eth0 offload gro
set interfaces ethernet eth0 offload gso
set interfaces ethernet eth0 offload sg
set interfaces ethernet eth0 offload tso
set interfaces ethernet eth0 speed 'auto'
set interfaces ethernet eth3 hw-id 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:e6'
set interfaces ethernet eth3 offload gro
set interfaces ethernet eth3 offload gso
set interfaces ethernet eth3 offload sg
set interfaces ethernet eth3 offload tso
set interfaces loopback lo
set service dns forwarding allow-from ''
set service dns forwarding cache-size '150'
set service dns forwarding listen-address ''
set service dns forwarding name-server
set service dns forwarding name-server
set service dns forwarding system
set service ntp allow-client xxxxxx ''
set service ntp allow-client xxxxxx '::/0'
set service ntp server xxxxx.tld
set service ntp server xxxxx.tld
set service ntp server xxxxx.tld
set service ssh disable-host-validation
set service ssh disable-password-authentication
set service ssh port '12322'
set system config-management commit-revisions '100'
set system conntrack modules ftp
set system conntrack modules h323
set system conntrack modules nfs
set system conntrack modules pptp
set system conntrack modules sip
set system conntrack modules sqlnet
set system conntrack modules tftp
set system console device ttyS0 speed '115200'
set system host-name xxxxxx
set system login banner post-login 'VyOS 1.5-rolling-202407060019'
set system login user xxxxxx authentication encrypted-password xxxxxx
set system login user xxxxxx authentication plaintext-password xxxxxx
set system login user xxxxxx authentication public-keys [email protected] key xxxxxx
set system login user xxxxxx authentication public-keys [email protected] type ssh-xxx
set system login user xxxxxx authentication public-keys [email protected] key xxxxxx
set system login user xxxxxx authentication public-keys [email protected] type ssh-xxx
set system login user xxxxxx authentication public-keys [email protected] key xxxxxx
set system login user xxxxxx authentication public-keys [email protected] type ssh-xxx
set system login user xxxxxx authentication public-keys [email protected] key xxxxxx
set system login user xxxxxx authentication public-keys [email protected] type ssh-xxx
set system login user xxxxxx authentication public-keys [email protected] key xxxxxx
set system login user xxxxxx authentication public-keys [email protected] type 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521'
set system name-server ''
set system name-server ''
set system syslog global facility all level 'info'
set system syslog global facility local7 level 'debug'

Configure | load | commit sequence gives lot of IndexOfRange errors somewhere in ethernet section.

Unfortunately there is no ability to copy output due to limitation of virtual console.

What log I should check to see the root of issue?


Hier is the output after commit command
Configuration changes shown in the second image

Have no idea what’s is wrong with these lines of configuration.

check interface/driver version

sudo ethtool -i eth0

Here both ethtool and show interfaces output

Just to add a little bit pepper

Hypervisor is Citrix 8.2 with all latest patches.
Have created new VM from the scratch with Debian 12 (Bookworm) template.

Image prior 20240915 installed and configured without any problem
Image 20241018 has the same error during ethernet initialization.

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