Check_mk agent to be installed on vyos 1.4 or 1.5

Hi Team

check_mk has many more features as compare to simple snmp hence would it be possible if required packages can be added or can that option be available for installation?


I use CheckMK as well, and I have just installed .deb package available on the CheckMK server. It does not have any extra dependencies.

I download it from the CheckMK server with wget/curl and then install it with dpkg -i. Please note that installing anything extra on top of VyOS is not supported and may impact your system negatively.

You can also run it as a container, which is much more self contained.
Just make sure to give it the appropriate permissions to be able to read the system metrics you’re interested in.

Even if various agents can sometimes pickup more data than SNMP they are also more vulnerable than the regular SNMP agent and for that reason I think its a very bad idea that agents other than SNMP are natively included with VyOS. That is I vote for lower the risk of exploatation rather than increasing it by adding “unnecessary” binaries to the default install.

Having that said I think they can be a perfect feature to be included as addon which VyOS now have support for or if you manually as @jagekurt wrote adds the deb package through “dpkg -i”. Drawback is of course that you will have to do so every time you update your box to a newer VyOS but at the same time this way perhaps you will also keep the agent more up2date by default?

Having it as a addon would probably making updates easier but also to have its config included in the regular VyOS config file.

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