Commit hooks not running

the problem:

I’m trying to add a commit post-hook, but it doesn’t run.

Here’s a simple vbash script that tests this as far as I understand how to set it up. Using this script on v1.3.2 or v1.4-rolling does not function as expected. I’ve tried on an unofficial stock build of 1.3.2, the 1.4-rolling-202212310809 from, and my own custom build of 1.4-rolling.

# -rwxrwxr-x 1 vyos vyattacfg /config/scripts/commit/post-hooks.d/01-hello
echo hello world
touch "$HOME/`date +%s`"

what happens:

This hook should echo some text and create a new file with the current unix timestamp on every commit (this is just an example), but in actuality the commit proceeds normally as if there’s no hook.

PS C:\Users\brire> ssh [email protected] -oidentitiesonly=true
[email protected]'s password:
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vyos@vyos:~$ show conf
interfaces {
    ethernet eth0 {
        address dhcp
        hw-id 00:15:5d:0c:7a:00
service {
    ssh {
vyos@vyos:~$ conf
vyos@vyos# comment interfaces ethernet eth0 "just making a change so I can commit"
vyos@vyos# commit
vyos@vyos# ### Something should have happened.
vyos@vyos# ls -l ~
total 0
vyos@vyos# ### ...but nothing happened!!!
vyos@vyos# show
 interfaces {
     /* just making a change so I can commit */
     ethernet eth0 {
         address dhcp
         hw-id 00:15:5d:0c:7a:00
 service {
     ssh {
vyos@vyos# ###So the commit did succeed! But the hooks were not run. 
vyos@vyos# ### Let's set this back and try again.
vyos@vyos# comment interfaces ethernet eth0 ""
vyos@vyos# show
 interfaces {
-    /* just making a change so I can commit */
     ethernet eth0 {
         address dhcp
         hw-id 00:15:5d:0c:7a:00
 service {
     ssh {
vyos@vyos# commit
vyos@vyos# ### Still nothing!

Running on Hyper-V on Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022, if that matters.


I just tested this on 1.4-202212280917 and it works.

There is one little caveat though, the docs state:

Their names must consist entirely of ASCII upper- and lower-case letters,ASCII digits, ASCII underscores, and ASCII minus-hyphens.No other characters are allowed.

which I didn’t read, so my script didn’t run. Changing it to just test made it work. Could it be your script has a character in it that is not allowed?

Ah, I just saw that you show the name of your script. My script is called test and contains the following:

if [ "$(id -g -n)" != 'vyattacfg' ] ; then
    exec sg vyattacfg -c "/bin/vbash $(readlink -f $0) $@"

echo "pipo"

Could you test by renaming your script?

I don’t think it’s the filename :frowning:

I just tried putting your script in just in case something somehow was wrong with mine, and it still doesn’t work. I also tried with a fresh install of 1.4-202212280917 as you used, and oddly enough it worked once or twice but then stopped working. I cannot figure out what I did that broke it, but it definitely wasn’t anything too crazy.

Is it possible that adding a new system image and doing the config migration breaks the hook scripts? This is just a hunch, because the following caused the scripts to stop running:

  1. I built a blank VM
  2. installed stock 1.4-202212280917
  3. created and tested hook script (worked)
  4. added a new system image (my own
  5. rebooted into new system image
  6. commit hooks do not work anymore.

but then rebooting back into the stock 1.4-202212280917 didn’t cause the script to start working again, so maybe it’s something to do with when the machine boots?

I’m really grasping at straws here :frowning: I can’t seem to figure out what I could possibly be doing wrong myself, but then that means this is one of those weird bugs that just doesn’t always bug?

I have no idea how to debug this, because when I tried running set -x before committing the config I didn’t see the shell attempt to run the scripts amongst all the output, but looking in the vyos repo it seems that /opt/vyatta/sbin/my_commit (which is itself a symlink to /opt/vyatta/sbin/my_cli_bin) is responsible for running the hooks so I wouldn’t expect to see what’s wrong in the shell debug output.

Check execution rights:
ls -la /config/scripts/commit/post-hooks.d

vyos@vyos# ls -Rla /config/scripts/commit/
total 12
drwxrwsr-x 3 root vyattacfg 4096 Jan  2 07:13 .
drwxrwsr-x 3 root vyattacfg 4096 Jan  2 07:13 ..
drwxr-sr-x 2 root vyattacfg 4096 Jan  2 07:14 post-hooks.d

total 12
drwxr-sr-x 2 root vyattacfg 4096 Jan  2 07:14 .
drwxrwsr-x 3 root vyattacfg 4096 Jan  2 07:13 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root vyattacfg  131 Jan  2 07:14 test

I’ve tried using 755 and 775 permissions, and I’ve tried with /config/scripts/commit recursively chown’d to vyos:vyattacfg so I don’t think it’s permissions either

FWIW: I have a post-commit hook script working on this VyOS setup:

vyos@vyos:/run$ show version
Version:          VyOS 1.4-rolling-202211010829
Release train:    current

Built by:         [email protected]
Built on:         Tue 01 Nov 2022 08:29 UTC
Build UUID:       15370146-6844-4479-b4a6-b0d265eea441
Build commit ID:  64e77f12f66ce4

Architecture:     x86_64
Boot via:         installed image
System type:      KVM guest

Hardware vendor:  QEMU
Hardware model:   Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)
Hardware S/N:     
Hardware UUID:    6c7a3724-4ddc-40fd-aea4-4bb6977a6b5f

Copyright:        VyOS maintainers and contributors

Hey, thanks! I should have updated the phabricator ticket, but I forgot!

It really is just the filename being restrictive. Turns out that’s just how Debian’s run-parts does it (unless you specify flags which aren’t being specified), and I’m inclined to believe that changing this current behavior (of VyOS) to be more flexible about what filenames to run might break things. Right now, anyway, you can just change the filename really easily to “disable” a script. Not sure that should be supported, but it’s current behavior I’d worry about changing