Conditional Forwarder with Secondary/Backup DNS Server

Hi All,

We have added a conditional forwarder on our vyos setup but would like to add a secondary DNS Server:

Command: set service dns forwarding domain yourdomain.local server

I can’t find an example that can achieve this. This needs to point to our domain controllers, but in the event we reboot one of them we can’t have the DNS Server going down for the domain. Due to the design of the network, the clients need to be pointed to vyos and vyos will forward standard traffic to the ISP and domain traffic to the domain controllers.

Having 1 IP listed above, removes our high availability for DNS.

As a worst case scenario, i’m happy for a workaround.

Any chance this can be added as a feature?


you can set as many servers as needed
via command
set service dns forwarding domain yourdomain.local server

When we type in the command, it just replaces the server, not appends or adds an additional. We can’t find the syntax to support this:


set service dns forwarding domain server ‘’
set service dns forwarding domain server ‘’

When I execute the above lines, the config only shows the last execution.

service {
dns {
forwarding {
cache-size 0
domain mydomain.local {