Configuration path: nat source [translations] is not valid

I have created a very simple NAT rule which gets saved and can be seen in the config file. However, whenever I run show nat source translations, I get the following:

  Configuration path: nat source [translations] is not valid
  Show failed

My NAT rules look like below

set nat destination rule 12 inbound-interface eth0
set nat destination rule 12 destination address 192.x.x.x
set nat destination rule 12 translation address 10.x.x.x

Here my tunnel has local address 192.x.x.x

The error shows you’re in configure mode trying to access an op mode command.

Exit conf mode first, or use run show nat source translations to execute it while in conf mode.

Thanks for the response @sarthurdev . I was able to run the command but it did not return any translations even though the same are visible in the config file.

Which version do you use?

We are using VyOS 1.2.7

Hello @setia.lovish Why you are trying to get source when you configure destination?

 show nat destination translations 

Note: To use operation command from configuration mode, try to use run

run show nat destination translations