Configure QoS Upload restriction

Hi, I have network structure like below:

I would like to restrict upload from PC1 (from only one host!) to PC2 (send only 56kbps to PC2). I created a policy QoS but it doesn’t work (transfer is too high). What should I change to achive my goal?

[code]set traffic-policy shaper Upload description “Upload QoS”
set traffic-policy shaper Upload bandwidth 1mbps
set traffic-policy shaper Upload class 2 description “Test Machine”
set traffic-policy shaper Upload class 2 bandwidth 56kbps
set traffic-policy shaper Upload class 2 ceiling 56kbps
set traffic-policy shaper Upload class 2 match LIMITED_IP ip source address
set traffic-policy shaper Upload default bandwidth 1mbps
set traffic-policy shaper Upload default ceiling 1mbps

set interfaces ethernet eth1 traffic-policy out Upload
commit && save

Your output shaper on eth1 just reserves 56Kb for, but it can use up to the full 1Mb bandwidth. Try an input traffic-policy limiter on eth2.