Connecting to Internal Server via vpn

I can connect to vyos vpn, but I can’t access the internal server.
The IP environment is as follows:

  1. Server Network:
  2. VyOS outside-address: 124.50.x.x
  3. VyOS config :
    vpn {
    ipsec {
    ipsec-interfaces {
    interface eth0
    nat-networks {
    allowed-network {
    nat-traversal enable
    l2tp {
    remote-access {
    authentication {
    local-users {
    username vyos {
    password ****************
    mode local
    client-ip-pool {
    ipsec-settings {
    authentication {
    mode pre-shared-secret
    pre-shared-secret ****************
    outside-address 124.50.x.x
    What additional work will be needed?
    Thank you for reading it.

Hello @leenugi , you need to configure NAT for l2tp clients on VyOS

set nat source rule 10 outbound-interface 'eth0'
set nat source rule 10 source address ''
set nat source rule 10 translation address 'masquerade'

Thank you. It’s settled. What’s the problem?
There is already a masquerade rule due to the use of the Internet, so I didn’t add it.
Thank you.

I did not saw your NAT rules.