Continue of "Seems bgpd-process consumes a lot of memory or memory leak"


It`s about truly worked solution for problem described in topic “Seems bgpd-process consumes a lot of memory or memory leak”, Seems bgpd-process consumes a lot of memory or memory leak - #19 by ovallaste

When I was writing that, I just forgot the detials)
But I guess it`s should be the “best practice” - to describe solution that helps.
Below the solution.

So, actually, correct and success solution that indeed leads to decreaseBGP`s memory - is permit advertising to BBRs only our own AS vpnv4-prefixes

set policy as-path-list PERMIT-ONLY-LOCAL-AS rule 10 action 'permit'
set policy as-path-list PERMIT-ONLY-LOCAL-AS rule 10 regex '^

set policy as-path-list PERMIT-ONLY-LOCAL-AS rule 20 action ‘deny’
set policy as-path-list PERMIT-ONLY-LOCAL-AS rule 20 regex ‘.*’

set protocols bgp neighbor address-family ipv4-vpn filter-list export ‘PERMIT-ONLY-LOCAL-AS’