Dhcp client on LAN gets wrong (non-static) lease on first boot despite correct configuration in VyOS, new quirk between systemd-networkd and vyos

I actually tried to post this to phabricator, where I’ve successfully posted bugs in the past, but I’m getting a Cloudflare block error when I press submit ticket, so here it is

Bug Report

On first boot, my client device has a DHCP assigned address as though it were not configured with a static mapping.

After dhclient -r && dhclient, it has the correct address. However, dhclient uses the default configuration on the system, and not the one rendered by systemd-networkd.

Analysis indicates this is a quirk interaction between systemd-networkd and VyOS latest. It did not occur on 1.3.x.

The root cause of the quirk appears to be that systemd-networkd is sending a client identifier, and the new dhcp server is prioritizing using this identifier instead of the mac address (which it will also receive).

from netplan man pages: Ubuntu Manpage: netplan - YAML network configuration abstraction for various backends

       • dhcp-identifier (scalar)

                (networkd backend only) Sets the source of DHCPv4 client identifier.  If  mac  is
                specified, the MAC address of the link is used.  If this option is omitted, or if
                duid is specified, networkd will generate an RFC4361-compliant client  identifier
                for the interface by combining the link's IAID and DUID.

Changing netplan to

      dhcp4: true
      dhcp-identifier: mac
  version: 2

i.e. adding the dhcp-identifier: mac line now has the correct behavior.

For context below, the client is: appmana-014


Is the static-mapping configured correctly? Yes:

vyos@vyos:~$ show configuration commands | grep appmana-014
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN subnet static-mapping appmana-014 ip-address ''
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN subnet static-mapping appmana-014 mac '04:0e:3c:92:23:0c'
set system static-host-mapping host-name appmana-014 inet ''
set system static-host-mapping host-name appmana-014.i.appmana.com inet ''

On the client:

appmana-014:~# ip address
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eno1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 04:0e:3c:92:23:0c brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    altname enp0s31f6
    inet metric 100 brd scope global dynamic eno1
       valid_lft 85326sec preferred_lft 85326sec
    inet6 fe80::60e:3cff:fe92:230c/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Observe the mac address is correct.

Are there other DHCP servers? No:

# nmap --script broadcast-dhcp-discover
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2024-06-13 17:58 UTC
Pre-scan script results:
| broadcast-dhcp-discover:
|   Response 1 of 1:
|     IP Offered:
|     DHCP Message Type: DHCPOFFER
|     Subnet Mask:
|     Router:
|     Domain Name Server:
|     Domain Name: i.appmana.com
|     IP Address Lease Time: 1d00h00m00s
|_    Server Identifier:

Observe this is the wrong IP.

Did the client record the correct lease? Apparently yes, which is surprising:

appmana-014:~# cat /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases
lease {
  interface "eno1";
  option subnet-mask;
  option dhcp-lease-time 86400;
  option routers;
  option dhcp-message-type 5;
  option dhcp-server-identifier;
  option domain-name-servers;
  option domain-search "i.appmana.com.";
  option host-name "appmana-014";
  option domain-name "i.appmana.com";
  renew 4 2024/06/13 03:26:57;
  rebind 4 2024/06/13 14:02:14;
  expire 4 2024/06/13 17:02:14;
lease {
  interface "eno1";
  option subnet-mask;
  option dhcp-lease-time 86400;
  option routers;
  option dhcp-message-type 5;
  option dhcp-server-identifier;
  option domain-name-servers;
  option domain-search "i.appmana.com.";
  option host-name "appmana-014";
  option domain-name "i.appmana.com";
  renew 4 2024/06/13 14:43:56;
  rebind 5 2024/06/14 00:26:57;
  expire 5 2024/06/14 03:26:57;
lease {
  interface "eno1";
  option subnet-mask;
  option dhcp-lease-time 86400;
  option routers;
  option dhcp-message-type 5;
  option dhcp-server-identifier;
  option domain-name-servers;
  option domain-search "i.appmana.com.";
  option host-name "appmana-014";
  option domain-name "i.appmana.com";
  renew 5 2024/06/14 00:39:04;
  rebind 5 2024/06/14 11:43:56;
  expire 5 2024/06/14 14:43:56;

Does VyOS show valid lease state? No:

Observe two active entries:

vyos@vyos:~$ show dhcp server leases state all
IP Address    MAC address        State    Lease start          Lease expiration     Remaining    Pool    Hostname                     Origin
------------  -----------------  -------  -------------------  -------------------  -----------  ------  ---------------------------  --------      04:0e:3c:92:23:0c  active   2024/06/13 17:37:43  2024/06/14 17:37:43  23:36:49     LAN     appmana-014                  local
...     04:0e:3c:92:23:0c  active   2024/06/13 17:38:05  2024/06/14 17:38:05  23:37:11     LAN     appmana-014                  local

Is there a workaround?: Yes, running dhclient -r && dhclient resolves the issue. Here is the state of everything after that is run:

$ ssh administrator@appmana-014.i.appmana.com -- ip address
2: eno1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 04:0e:3c:92:23:0c brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    altname enp0s31f6
    inet brd scope global dynamic eno1
       valid_lft 86332sec preferred_lft 86332sec
    inet6 fe80::60e:3cff:fe92:230c/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
$ ssh administrator@appmana-014.i.appmana.com -- cat /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases
lease {
  interface "eno1";
  option subnet-mask;
  option dhcp-lease-time 86400;
  option routers;
  option dhcp-message-type 5;
  option dhcp-server-identifier;
  option domain-name-servers;
  option domain-search "i.appmana.com.";
  option host-name "appmana-014";
  option domain-name "i.appmana.com";
  renew 4 2024/06/13 18:03:37;
  rebind 4 2024/06/13 18:03:37;
  expire 4 2024/06/13 18:03:37;
lease {
  interface "eno1";
  option subnet-mask;
  option dhcp-lease-time 86400;
  option routers;
  option dhcp-message-type 5;
  option dhcp-server-identifier;
  option domain-name-servers;
  option domain-search "i.appmana.com.";
  option host-name "appmana-014";
  option domain-name "i.appmana.com";
  renew 5 2024/06/14 05:54:05;
  rebind 5 2024/06/14 15:03:39;
  expire 5 2024/06/14 18:03:39;

VyOS correctly shows only one lease entry:

IP Address    MAC address        State    Lease start          Lease expiration     Remaining    Pool    Hostname                     Origin
------------  -----------------  -------  -------------------  -------------------  -----------  ------  ---------------------------  --------      04:0e:3c:92:23:0c  active   2024/06/13 18:03:39  2024/06/14 18:03:39  23:44:41     LAN     appmana-014                  local

Is the client misconfigured? No, netplan is vanilla:

appmana-014:~# cat /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml
# This is the network config written by 'subiquity'
      dhcp4: true
  version: 2

for a long time now, the client receives the wrong dhcp address via systemd-networkd. However, under 1.3.1, these logs were identical in character but with the correct address, not the incorrect one.

Jun 12 14:27:55 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[564]: eno1: Lost carrier
Jun 12 14:27:55 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[564]: eno1: DHCP lease lost
Jun 12 14:27:55 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[564]: eno1: DHCPv6 lease lost
Jun 12 14:27:58 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[564]: eno1: Gained carrier
Jun 12 14:28:02 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[564]: eno1: DHCPv4 address via
Jun 13 16:03:50 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[564]: eno1: Lost carrier
Jun 13 16:03:50 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[564]: eno1: DHCP lease lost
Jun 13 16:03:50 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[564]: eno1: DHCPv6 lease lost
Jun 13 16:03:53 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[564]: eno1: Gained carrier
Jun 13 16:03:56 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[564]: eno1: DHCPv4 address via
Jun 13 17:36:01 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[564]: eno1: DHCP lease lost
Jun 13 17:36:01 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[564]: eno1: DHCPv6 lease lost
Jun 13 17:37:59 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[566]: eno1: Link UP
Jun 13 17:38:01 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[566]: eno1: Gained carrier
Jun 13 17:38:02 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[566]: eno1: Gained IPv6LL
Jun 13 17:38:05 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[566]: eno1: DHCPv4 address via

I don’t believe this dhclient.conf is used by systemd-networkd, but it is used by dhclient which resolves the issue:

appmana-014:~# cat /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
# Configuration file for /sbin/dhclient.
# This is a sample configuration file for dhclient. See dhclient.conf's
#       man page for more information about the syntax of this file
#       and a more comprehensive list of the parameters understood by
#       dhclient.
# Normally, if the DHCP server provides reasonable information and does
#       not leave anything out (like the domain name, for example), then
#       few changes must be made to this file, if any.

option rfc3442-classless-static-routes code 121 = array of unsigned integer 8;

send host-name = gethostname();
request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, routers,
        domain-name, domain-name-servers, domain-search, host-name,
        dhcp6.name-servers, dhcp6.domain-search, dhcp6.fqdn, dhcp6.sntp-servers,
        netbios-name-servers, netbios-scope, interface-mtu,
        rfc3442-classless-static-routes, ntp-servers;

netplan’s rendered systemd-networkd configuration:

# cat /run/systemd/network/10-netplan-eno1.network



incorrect status from networkctl

appmana-014:~# networkctl status eno1
● 2: eno1
                     Link File: /usr/lib/systemd/network/99-default.link
                  Network File: /run/systemd/network/10-netplan-eno1.network
                          Type: ether
                         State: routable (configured)
                  Online state: online
             Alternative Names: enp0s31f6
                          Path: pci-0000:00:1f.6
                        Driver: e1000e
                        Vendor: Intel Corporation
                         Model: Ethernet Connection (7) I219-LM
                    HW Address: 04:0e:3c:92:23:0c (HP Inc.)
                           MTU: 1500 (min: 68, max: 9000)
                         QDisc: fq_codel
  IPv6 Address Generation Mode: eui64
          Queue Length (Tx/Rx): 1/1
              Auto negotiation: yes
                         Speed: 1Gbps
                        Duplex: full
                          Port: tp
                       Address: (DHCP4 via
                Search Domains: i.appmana.com
             Activation Policy: up
           Required For Online: yes
               DHCP4 Client ID: IAID:0xb6220feb/DUID
             DHCP6 Client DUID: DUID-EN/Vendor:0000ab118067c6c52548008b0000
                  Connected To: QSW-M2116P on port 6 (2.5GigabitEthernet 1/6)

Jun 13 18:25:46 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[566]: eno1: Lost carrier
Jun 13 18:25:46 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[566]: eno1: DHCP lease lost
Jun 13 18:25:46 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[566]: eno1: DHCPv6 lease lost
Jun 13 18:25:48 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[566]: eno1: Gained carrier
Jun 13 18:25:53 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[566]: eno1: DHCPv4 address via
Jun 13 18:26:09 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[566]: eno1: Lost carrier
Jun 13 18:26:09 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[566]: eno1: DHCP lease lost
Jun 13 18:26:09 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[566]: eno1: DHCPv6 lease lost
Jun 13 18:26:11 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[566]: eno1: Gained carrier
Jun 13 18:26:15 appmana-014 systemd-networkd[566]: eno1: DHCPv4 address via

Client Versions

# lsb_release -idrc
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
Release:        22.04
Codename:       jammy
# uname -a
Linux appmana-014 6.5.0-35-generic #35~22.04.1-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue May  7 09:00:52 UTC 2 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

VyOS versions:

vyos@vyos:~$ show version
Version:          VyOS 1.5-rolling-202406130020
Release train:    current
Release flavor:   generic

Built by:         autobuild@vyos.net
Built on:         Thu 13 Jun 2024 03:16 UTC
Build UUID:       84281102-574f-443d-83f7-af82b6ba3512
Build commit ID:  f2154b4252535e

Architecture:     x86_64
Boot via:         installed image
System type:      bare metal

Hardware vendor:  HP
Hardware model:   HP EliteDesk 800 G5 Desktop Mini
Hardware S/N:     MXL95025NY
Hardware UUID:    800b5dc3-e6c8-ba65-0bcb-dc6bfdfbccb2

Copyright:        VyOS maintainers and contributors
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Can you test if it behaves correctly using the CLI:
set service dhcp-server shared-network-name <name> subnet <subnet> ignore-client-id

Kea used in 1.5 has introduced a few quirks.

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Yes, netplans without mac now receive the correct lease.

IMO the migration script should add ignore-client-id by default if any of the static-mapping configurations contain a mac address. I will try ticketing again later, once the Cloudflare block chills out a bit.

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