I use since august VyOS 1.4-rolling-202308050917 for my Internet access and it works fine. I tried the current 1.5 rolling release and I did build myself the current Sagitta version.
On latest 1.4 and rolling 1.5 my current config to enable WAN access over my ISP is rejected.
I get
[ interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 10 dhcp-options vendor-class-id 100008.0001 ]
invalid value
Any idea what has changed and how to adapt my setup ?
This is my current working config on previous release
set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 10 address ‘dhcp’
set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 10 address ‘dhcpv6’
set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 10 description ‘Internet’
set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 10 dhcp-options host-name ‘ubnt-sw’
set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 10 dhcp-options vendor-class-id ‘100008,0001’
set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 10 dhcpv6-options pd 0 interface eth0 address ‘1’
set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 10 dhcpv6-options pd 0 interface eth0 sla-id ‘0’
set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 10 dhcpv6-options pd 0 length ‘56’
set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 10 ip adjust-mss ‘clamp-mss-to-pmtu’
set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 10 ip enable-proxy-arp
set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 10 ipv6 address autoconf
set interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 10 ipv6 dup-addr-detect-transmits ‘1’