I am having some strange issue with dhclient v6.
I am trying to configure interface for dhclient v6 using vyos command
‘set interface ethernet ethX address dhcpv6’
when I run this command , I loose previously assigned static ipv6 address on interface
moreover, I see configuration within vyos also removes ipv6 static address/s
Should it not support multiple Ipv6 address/s ?
so that I can have ipv6 address statically assigned as well as i can obtain from dhclient ?
does vyos do not support ipv6 address statically and dhclient at same time on same interface ???
when I have configure interface for ipv6 autoconfig, and then tried to setup dhcpv6 on that interface I get vyos commit failed error.
I feel there is something in vyos which might be stopping me from configuring interface for dhcpv6 client when autoconfig is configured. I can do digging on scripts for nodes action but don`t know again whether its allowed from vyos point of view.
‘set interface ethernet ethX ipv6 disable-forwarding’
‘set interface ethernet ethX ipv6 address autoconfig’
works fine
‘set interface ethernet ethX address dhcpv6’
This commit fails…
@nirmal Can you describe step by step? What version of the VyOS are you using?
More details about fail?
[email protected]# set interfaces ethernet eth1 address dhcpv6
[email protected]# commit
[email protected]# run show interfaces ethernet eth1 brief
Codes: S - State, L - Link, u - Up, D - Down, A - Admin Down
Interface IP Address S/L Description
--------- ---------- --- -----------
eth1 fd12:3456:789a:1::6/64 u/u
I can confirm that above set of commands works fine on latest release.
But unfortunately, I can not update my vyos version as of now.
Would you tell me any source code changes that I can lookup to find solution ??
I also have other strange issue with dhcpv6 is when I enable this on interface and restart my machine, on bootup I loose all VYOS config related to that interface.
Although, interface do exists as I can see it when i do ifconfig command.
But within VYOS nothing exists for that interface.
After reboot vyos will show noting in its config for interface ethernet eth2
but I do have interface eth2 on system, as I can see it in ifconfig command output