I’m trying to connect my VyOS box, and the other boxes that run through it, to Wazuh, a cloud based IDS.
I’m having a DNS error when I run their provided netcat command to test connectivity.
I’m not sure what’s causing this, as running the command on a machine not on the VyOS managed network works. This also occurs when running the command on any machine in the VyOS network.
What needs to change? Is is a DNS config
~$ nc -zv 02ffd6edd887.cloud.wazuh.com 1514-1515
DNS fwd/rev mismatch: 02ffd6![wazuh|690x450](upload://iim88ISu0TsluV89ciG3NJRpjlN.png) edd887.cloud.wazuh.com != ec2-3-136-32-96.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com
02ffd6edd887.cloud.wazuh.com [] 1515 (?) : Connection timed out
02ffd6edd887.cloud.wazuh.com [] 1514 (?) : Connection timed out!