Do we have a config get wrapper?

In C program we can use vyatta-cfg-cmd-wrapper to set configure like this:

/opt/vyatta/sbin/vyatta-cfg-cmd-wrapper begin;
/opt/vyatta/sbin/vyatta-cfg-cmd-wrapper set interfaces ethernet eth1 description TEST;
/opt/vyatta/sbin/vyatta-cfg-cmd-wrapper commit;
/opt/vyatta/sbin/vyatta-cfg-cmd-wrapper end;

But do we have a config get wrapper?
I want to get eth1’s description in my C program (show interfaces ethernet eth1 description).

I have tried “/opt/vyatta/sbin/vyatta-cfg-cmd-wrapper show interfaces ethernet eth1 description”, but it didn’t work.

preview topic is:

I guess you can use native Linux commands for this if you don’t use API, you need ifalias
for example in JSON format

vyos@r14# sudo ip --json link show dev eth1

or something like this

vyos@r14# sudo ip -o -d link show dev eth1 | awk -F'alias ' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}'


How to get some vyos’s configurations like ‘show service ssh port’, ‘show system name-server’, etc.?