DynamicDNS With Cloudflare seems to not work

There’s another post about this from about 3 years ago. They got it working, but I cannot. I see that the built in version is ddclient version 3.9.1. I pulled the current github repo, they’re up to something like 3.10+. It works locally with that build. The config options are different.

Is it possible to update the ddclient version built in to vyos? I’m running a vyos build I built about a month ago from git.

For context, when I run the built in ddclient in debug mode, it says this:

WARNING:  file /var/cache/ddclient/ddclient.cache, line 3: Invalid Value for keyword 'ip' = ''
DEBUG:    get_ipv6: using if, eth0 reports [[actualpublicip]]
WARNING:  skipping update of [[actualdomaintoupdate]] from <nothing> to [[actualpublicip]].
WARNING:   last updated <never> but last attempt on Fri Feb 17 10:35:38 2023 failed.

Could you send the current VyOS “dns dynamic” configuration and
cat /run/ddclient/ddclient.conf ?
And working configuration for 3.10+

In any way we are working on integration " bookworm", it uses ddclient (3.10.0-2)

Do you use option ipv6-enable if it is IPv6 address?

set service dns dynamic interface eth2 ipv6-enable

+1 solution with update script Dynamic dns didn't supr ipv6 ip address assign - #5 by echowings

At my side ddns with cloud flare is working on vyos 1.3

I got it working on a current build with ddclient >3.10. But also, only with a global API key. It does not work with the keys for specific functions in specific zones.