Is there anyway to get logging enabled for the default-action on input/forward/output chains?
I have a default-action drop, and then have jump rules to custom chains to handle accepts. But when troubleshooting what I expect to be an open connection, but it’s blocked, it would be helpful to see the logs and see what it is blocking with the details.
I can enable-default-log on my custom chains, but those are mostly accepts. My drop is at the “native” chain and that’s what I need to log.
Yeah. During firewall re writing, defaullt-action in base chains (input/forward/output) was moved to actually use policy [drop|accept] while defining the chain, rather than adding a custom rule at the end of the chain.
We may need to revert this in order to be able to log when default action is hit.
Should be possible to just add custom policy “drop-log” and “accept-log” which would do this like adding a last rule of logging and then the default action becomes drop/accept.