Fetching vyos-rolling-latest.iso according to docs fails

Looks like following url mentioned in documentation:

  1. add system image https://downloads.vyos.io/rolling/current/amd64/vyos-rolling-latest.iso

doesnt work but:

  1. add system image https://s3-us.vyos.io/rolling/current/vyos-rolling-latest.iso


Output of 1:

vyos@vyos:~$ add system image VyOS Community
Trying to fetch ISO file from VyOS Community
Redirecting to VyOS Community
Warning: Cannot determine size of remote file. Bravely continuing regardless.
Download complete.
Checking for digital signature file…
Redirecting to VyOS Community
Warning: Cannot determine size of remote file. Bravely continuing regardless.
Download complete.
Checking digital signature…
Untrusted signature comment should start with "untrusted comment: "
Signature check FAILED, trying BACKUP key…
Untrusted signature comment should start with "untrusted comment: "
Digital signature is valid.
“/var/tmp/install-image.2608/vyos-rolling-latest.iso” is not a valid ISO image file.

Output of 2:

vyos@vyos:~$ add system image https://s3-us.vyos.io/rolling/current/vyos-rolling-latest.iso
Trying to fetch ISO file from https://s3-us.vyos.io/rolling/current/vyos-rolling-latest.iso
The file is 444.000 MiB.
[####################################################################################################################################################################] 100%
Download complete.
Checking for digital signature file…
Failed to download https://s3-us.vyos.io/rolling/current/vyos-rolling-latest.iso.minisig.
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://s3-us.vyos.io/rolling/current/vyos-rolling-latest.iso.minisig
Failed to download https://s3-us.vyos.io/rolling/current/vyos-rolling-latest.iso.asc.
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://s3-us.vyos.io/rolling/current/vyos-rolling-latest.iso.asc
Do you want to continue without signature check? (yes/no) [yes] yes
Checking SHA256 checksums of files on the ISO image… OK.
What would you like to name this image? [1.4-rolling-202307060317]:
OK. This image will be named: 1.4-rolling-202307060317
Installing “1.4-rolling-202307060317” image.
Copying new release files…
Would you like to save the current configuration
directory and config file? (Yes/No) [Yes]:
Copying current configuration…
Would you like to save the SSH host keys from your
current configuration? (Yes/No) [Yes]:
Copying SSH keys…
Running post-install script…
Setting up grub configuration…

Using VyOS 1.4-rolling-202307050317

Edit: Neither blockquote nor preformatted text made the output look good, how do I do a blockquote but without the forum trying to convert the urls?