Firewall domain group simplifying

Hi Forum,

question I want to migrate my old rules from IP based to dns based.
I have lots of this rules

set firewall group address-group ILO address ‘’

When I want to use DNS based /group-domain rules, my config is much larger then before

set firewall group domain-group ILO address
set firewall group domain-group ILO address
set firewall group domain-group ILO address
set firewall group domain-group ILO address
set firewall group domain-group ILO address
set firewall group domain-group ILO address
set firewall group domain-group ILO address

Any idea how to use like the old IP based rules?

I don’t think there’s anything like that in place because it creates many unknowns during implementation. What exactly is your expectation from ""? Do you expect VyOS to resolve "" to an IP, then resolve "" to an IP, then create a similar ruleset to address-group range out of it? What would happen to this logic if more than one IP is returned from resolving the above FQDNs?

I implement the solution with set a network group . at the same time run a task scheduler scirpt to reslove the domain name to ip address and then register the ip address into the netwrok group with vyos api .
It works well for me till now.