First 1.4 monthly snapshot


when do you plan to release the first montly snapshot for 1.4?

I’m now running on 1.4-rolling-202101171022 nightly build and I was planning to switch to a monthly snapshot but I think that the last available is actually older than my current version.


Mmmh… nothing? :sweat_smile:

Hello @Matwolf, why you need exactly 1.4 snapshots? We have this for 1.3

Hi @Dmitry, because I thought I would need a 1.4 snapshot to upgrade from a 1.4 nightly, as mentioned before.


It no makes sense for snapshots 1.4
So features that work fine/tested in the rolling 1.4 are migrated to the 1.3 release.
This helps make version 1.3 more stable.

Ok, now that I understand that the 1.4 is not intended for monthly snapshots, let me rephrase the question:

Can I upgrade my 1.4-rolling-202101171022 to a 1.3 monthly snapshot?

If yes, can I use the current 1.3-rolling-202101 snapshot or do I have to wait for the 1.3-rolling-202102 snapshot? (I don’t know if that snapshot was released before or after the nightly I’m running on)

If I do have to wait for the 202102 one, when will it be released? (Not knowing when the January snapshot was released, I cannot predict when the February one will be released)


In the end I just snapshotted my VM and tried to migrate it from 1.4-rolling-202101171022 to 1.3-rolling-202101.

Seems like all went ok.

Thanks anyway

Sorry for bumping a really old thread, but there has been over 2 months since the last monthly snapshot so I was just wondering if the 1.4 monthly snapshots are in the pipeworks?

Check out this nifty table on different release stages of VyOS images: Installation — VyOS 1.3.x (equuleus) documentation
Here’s a long-winded answer: Simply put, we don’t think 1.4 is stable enough for snapshots yet. Snapshots begin as the branch matures and eventually culminate in a feature freeze, followed by release candidates. Sagitta is still our petri dish and we would like to continue throwing in new ideas and untested features, thus it can’t (yet) keep up with the required level of stability for snapshots.

thanks, was wondering myself, I’ll stick with 1.3.0-rc6, everything works nicely

Thanks for the reply Erkin, that makes total sense.